~76th part ~

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"You were going to have a sister too though. But it wasn't supposed to get born." "What the hell did you do to her?" I said with tears on my eyes. "What else? I stabbed your mum while she was pregnant. Now let me tell you about Martinus. . . You two were literally the same; Martinus just had a skinnier face and a birthmark on his upper lip. Amazing how I still remember him, right? But I also remember holding his tiny dead body for the last time. Your mum couldn't save your brother or your sister, but she did save you, and I really don't get it how. . . All these years I have waited for the moment when you'll be in front of me and finally kill the last Gunnarsen. . . But you aren't the last Gunnarsen, are you?" He said with a smirk on his face and my mind went to Nina. . . "Don't dare to touch Nina! Do whatever you want to me, but please don't hurt my daughter!" I yelled through tears while trying to get those chains off. "Oh, Marcus. I would let her alive, but sadly she has your blood. I tried twice to hurt her and her mother, but every time you would stop it from happening." "You made the fire on Y/N's house, didn't you?" I said with hate. "I can proudly say I did. It was such a good way to kill both of them. You might have saved them, but now they won't even care if you are dead. The beautiful part is that my people are in your mansion now." "You're lying!" "Why would I? In some minutes they will leave this world. How bad that you can't see them for the last time." "NO!" I yelled in pain and my tears were streaming down my face. "I think now it's time for you to join them." Sky started coming towards me and then happened something that I would never expect. . .

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