chapter 1

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Me and Lexie just finished our assignment before we started watching a movie.

We were watching Alita battle angel when Lexie's phone kept beeping.

"Lexie what you doing?"I asked casually but she just shoved her phone in her jacket pocket"nothing" she said but I beat her to it and collected her phone.

"Madi give me back"she yelled  but I just kept laughing but it soon stopped when I saw messages in her phone.

I had quite a lot of bullies but my  favorites we're Lara,Maya and Jenner.

They were the hotties in our school they once asked Lexie to Join them but she declined.

But right now I'm seeing messages about Lexie chatting with them.

Me(which is lexie):hey girls
Lara:hey cupcake
Maya:what's up bitches
Jenner:just had sex with Mason his so hot,come on let's talk about some boring people.
Lexie:what about Madison.
Lara:ugh she makes me have asthma attack
Maya:so ugly
Jenner:she lacks fashion sense
Lexie:she irritates me.

My vision was covered with water so it became blurry.
I decided to stop reading this bullshit they were saying about me.

I finally let my tears come down my cheeks as I looked at Lexie who had a blank face.

She  didn't even think of apologise or even tried to explain or look guilty at all.

She just held a proud smirk.
"I can't believe you were an hypocrite all this time"I said in disbelief.

"Well believe if you wanna believe I don't care and besides who wants to be friends with oh so boring Madi"she said rolling her eyes as if it was obvious.

"Anyway since you know everything you can leave now"she said snatching her phone from my hands.

I gave her one last look before picking my back pack and walked out of her room.

"Madi you going home?"aunt Samantha asked.
"Uhm yeah I have something important to do"I said walking away.

I heard her say okay but I was already out the door.

I got into my house or let's say mansion when I saw my parents kissing on the couch"eww go get a bedroom"I said playfully trying to hide the fact that tears were streaming down my eyes.

  My dad chuckled and my mum just looked at me worriedly "honey you are back I thought you were staying at Lexie's"she asked.

"Uhm I just wanted to come home that's all,I'm heading to my room now"I didn't even let her speak and walked as fast as I could to my bedroom.

I stayed in my room all day looking at amazing pics of me and Lexie.

She was fake,she's deceitful and she's a damn hypocrite.

My door was knocked and I politely said"come in"my mom came in looking beautiful as always,with her long brown hair and light brown eyes.

I wish my love life could be as amazing as my Mom and Dad.
Even when they went to different college's they still managed to make things out.

"Hey Mom"I said trying to hide that I've been crying for a while now.

"I know something happened between you and Lexie"she said calmly.

"I don't wanna talk about it,for now"I said and she just nodded and silence crept in.

"Mom I'm I ugly?"I asked out of the blue and my mom furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Of course  not,just look at me and your dad so how do you think you would be ugly?"my mom asked.

"I don't know it just popped in my head"I said.
"Go look at the mirror"I slowly got up from my comfortable bed and walked to a site opposite a mirror.

After a while of looking at my self a smile involuntarily crept into  my lips.

"Don't ever criticize yourself again okay?"she asked and I nodded.

At least my mom made me smile.

The bad thing is that my parents never knew about my bullies or my life at school.

They thought I was okay,I really did a great job in using make up to cover things up.

My mom left but I just stared at my reflection,I could see through my make up and the marks on my face.

My smile finally dropped knowing what I've been going through.

Now I'm just some lonely ,psycho looking girl with no friends,I don't even blame Lexie one bit,I didn't deserve anyone like her.

I know the name of the book was weird but I just wanted to let something out for people to read.

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