chapter 33

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I decided to text back because he deserved my point of view.

Me:I can't believe I dated a selfish bastard like you.
What does Janessa have that I don't fucking have?
I'm sure you'll really be happy with Janessa.
I'm sure you guys already had sex if I'm not mistaking.
How did I make such mistake?
Why didn't I just date Chris or Caleb who were not stupid and foolish like you?
Please tell me why?
Cause I don't know how I got to be so unfortunate and be with you.
I thought you would one day tell me you loved me.
I thought after one year you still loved me.
But how could I be so dumb,why did I agree to be your friends when I was in Royal Smith?
I would have been better off being bullied at least I would have been happy on my own.
Now you are insulting me with Janessa?
I hope that you also have an awful life.
Oh and make sure to delete my number since I've done thesame for you.

All my temper was directed into my phone and I was surprised that it hasn't broken by now.

How could he say such things to me?
I wasn't good enough.
I am useless and pathetic?
I thought I wanted to change?

I clutched my chest feeling as if my heart was going to stop anytime soon.

I cried still feeling like a piece of pathetic broken mess.
I thought that this was a feeling that I had felt a year and few months ago but I was wrong,I feel thesame as before.

I have never felt so heartbroken in my entire life.
I decided to make sure to clear my vision and control my breathing into a normal pace before I started to drive.

Janessa's POV
Once nick read her message gulping from his drink.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion before he threw his phone on the floor clearly angry.

This made me satisfied cause I'm sure she wrote something worse out of anger.

I walked over to him and put both of my hands on his cheek and forced him to look at me when I saw tears.

"Shh don't cry I'm always going to be here for you Nick,she never deserved you"I said cleaning his tears.

He started leaning in,he hesitated for a moment but I couldn't anymore.

I brought his face to me and crashed my lips on his.

Nick's POV
I was clearly hurt by what she said.
I thought that I would say sorry and try to sought things out and make sure she was in good terms with Janessa but after what she sent I felt angry.

Janessa was here for me even as I cried,I kissed her to just forget,I know it was wrong of me to just kiss her when I was in a vunrable state but I just couldn't handle the heartbreak.

She kissed me back and I circled my hands around her and pulled her closer to me.

I wanted more,I just needed more.
I wanted to forget all that is happening now and just move on.

I had already gone through an heartbreak before when I was with Isabella but I thought me and Madison would be different,I thought she would be different.

But I thought wrong.

I needed to get laid,I knew what I was doing to Janessa was wrong,I was technically using her but I couldn't help it anymore.

We got to her apartment not breaking our needy kiss.
Before we both stripped................

Madison's POV

"He did what?!"the two girls exclaimed after I told them everything with a bowl of chocolate ice cream.

I felt like a mess right now I didn't even go to school.
"How could Nick send such a message like this,Nick isn't like this"Andrea said.

"If it's not then who would send this?"Lexie asked and Andrea kept quiet.

"Maybe he's right"I murmured but the girls heard me and turned to me.

"Right about what?"Andrea asked calmly"that I'm pathetic..."I gulped feeling my eyes well up with water that would drop anytime soon.

"Weak, useless and insecure and...."

"No don't say that"Andrea cut me off.
"He said that so that he could think that you don't deserve him but we all know it's the other way around"Lexie said and I sighed.

"Don't worry we are willing to break up with the guys so that we can surely lost contact with anything that has to do with Nick"Andrea said and Lexie agreed.

"Guys that's so sweet but you all look happy together and besides Nick doesn't actually talk and follow the boys that much so I can deal with it"I said.

"Nick is gonna pay when I see him"Lexie said and I chuckled a little.

They both engulfed me in a bear hug.

My phone buzzed and I looked at it if it was a message from Dylan.

We've been talking since he found out that I didn't come to school.

I didn't  tell him about my breakup I just told him I wasn't feeling well.

I didn't want to tell him because I didn't want to be treated differently from before.

The smile I managed to muster dropped again,and my heart stopped beating at the picture I was sent.

I couldn't cry anymore,I was fed up.

Janessa's POV
I knew Nick did this cause he wanted to forget.
He literally said Madison when I was in the middle of my freaking orgasm.
But I didn't care.

Yes I know he would regret it later but I'll make sure to make him feel what he did was not wrong.

I took my phone out still cuddled up with Nick,with both of us naked under the sheets.

His head was in the crook of my neck.
My whole body was pressed against him.

I took a selfie of us and sent it to Madison.
I knew she would be very shattered with this picture.

She would think that Nick might have been cheating a long time ago or just moved on very quickly.

I got her number from Nick but he didn't know.

Nick's POV
I knew I had to tell Janessa that this was a mistake.
I stirred awake and saw Janessa already awake.

I got up from the bed and started to get my clothes.
"I'm sorry Janessa but this was a mistake"I said putting my clothes back on.

"Nick it wasn't"she said getting up from the bed with her still being naked.

I couldn't help but stare at her hardened nipples  and how she moved seductively.

She put her hand on my shoulder"Nick it wasn't a mistake,I can make you forget her,you don't need her, because she didn't deserve you"she said calmly.

"It's not about her,yes I'm trying to get over her but me and you are best friends I don't think we are supposed to be doing this"I said glancing at her body once in a while.

"I-i just....."

"Shh Nick I'll make you happy,I know you better than anyone else and I also love you"she said.

"Let's be together and you'll certainly find your happiness"she said leaning towards me.

Lust was all that took over my vision,Janessa also did make me happy apart from Madi she knew me in and out,so what big deal would it make if I'm with her.

I attacked her lips when I felt her smile in the kiss.

I pressed my hardened bulge on her thigh...............

Madison's POV
"This bitch totally lured Nick into sex"Lexie said looking at the picture.

"It doesn't matter anymore,Nick said he would be better off with Janessa and if he's happy with her,who I'm I to speak against this?"I asked and they both kept quiet.

"I'm sure I'll also find someone who'll make me happy too"I muttered for only me to hear.

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