chapter 31

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I was planning on surprising Nick and the guys  by visiting them at their apartment today.

Lexie and Andrea really wanted to come but they had a project which would take a whole day.

I wore casual skinny jeans and a simple blue shirt.
I got to my car getting ready for an hour drive.

  I got into my car and started driving out of the drive through.

I'm here.

I got out of my car feeling my ass go numb from the one hour drive.

The guys apartment looked average from the outside.

I smiled picturing how David would engulf me with a huge hug.
I smiled as I walked in and pressed the doorbell.

No one answered at first so I pressed it again.

The door opened and my smiles quickly fell.
It was a girl not just some girl but a hot blonde.

My eyebrows furrowed the moment I saw her wearing Nick's shirt and shorts.

I only got confused when I knew that neither of the guy's were single the both were dating Andrea and Lexie.

"I see this is the infamous Madison"she said eyeing me.
I looked down at myself and looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes.......?"I said still lost ,Nick came and swinged his hand around her shoulder.

"So who's that?"he asked the fucking blonde before he noticed me.

He beamed in surprise and quickly hugged me"what the fuck ?Madi what are you doing here?"he asked surprised.

"It would be better if you at least let me in"I said sternly,I felt his eyebrows furrow but he let me go.

"Uh yeah sure"he said letting me in.
"Madi is anything wrong?......"

"So where are the guys?"I cut him off.
He looked taken aback  before saying"they are in the kitchen but I wanted to....."

I didn't let him talk and walked over to the  kitchen,Caleb and David we're busy trying to make popcorn.

I laughed when I saw them struggling they turned to me and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Oh my gosh guys I'm not gonna disappear"I said and they both laughed.

"We missed you our baby girl"David said and I laughed.
"I never introduced myself"someone said behind me and I turned to see that bitch.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes and mustered a fake smile"well what do you know?"I said playfully and she chuckled.

"Well I'm Janessa I'm Nick's childhood friend"she said making sure to emphasize the word childhood friend.

I forced a smile even when I saw her intentionally fiddling with Nick's shirt.

Nick looked so happy smiling with his arm around her when he should have his arm around me his fucking girlfriend.

"It's nice to meet you Janessa"I said with clenched jaws.
She smiled and  said"come on let's go play GTA "she said dragging him along.

I gave a fake smile as he gave me an apologetic smile.
Once she was gone I gave the boys a look that said what the fuck is going on?

"Janessa is Nick's childhood friend and since we left Maxwell she and Nick had always kept in touch we seriously thought that they would end up together though but oh well"Caleb said shrugging.

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