chapter 27

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I woke up sprawled on the living room floor with pills everywhere.

I groaned from the pains I felt in my body.
I really needed to keep these pills before anyone saw it.

I quickly picked them and put them in it's packet before shoving it in my bag.

I really did feel pain everywhere in my body.
I finally helped myself up and sat on one of the couch.

I sighed feeling extremely worn out but I couldn't skip school it would make everyone worry and ask questions which I can't even give answers to.

I stood up and took my time to get to my bedroom.
I was done bathing hot water before I wore a depressed black hoodie and black skinny jeans.

I slunged my bag lazily on my shoulder before I heard my phone buzzed.

"Hello"I said.

"Hello babe"oh my fucking god Nick just called me babe.
Duh of course I'm his babe I mean we are dating aren't we?

My frowned lips involuntarily broke into a smile.
"Hey there stranger you just made my day"I said playfully and he just laughed.

"Do you wanna go on a date with me tonight,just me and you with no dick heads or girls"he said and I giggled.

"Of course I'll love to go on a date with you,who wouldn't?"I said and he laughed.

"See you later love"he said.
"Okay first of all why the cheesy nicknames".

"I don't know just felt like calling my girlfriend some names"he said and I chuckled.

"Okay I'll talk to you after school"I said.
We said our goodbyes before hanging up.

I felt happy after the call and hopped into my car.
Nick didn't know how much he made my day.

I looked through my bag for lip gloss until I saw those pills.
My smile literally fell when reality dawned on me.

I took a can of water and two pulls before chugging the rest of my water.

  I sat in my car did a little make up to cover up anything suspicious and started my car.

I got to school and walked carefully not to escalate the pain I felt in every joints of my body.

Andrea saw me and walked towards me.
"What's with the slow walk?"she asked.
Oh God she noticed.

"Uh I'm not walking slow"I defended and she just smiled.
I really like this girl she never pushes anything if you don't wanna tell her.

I finally got to my locker and saw Dylan walking towards me with a grin.

"Hey Andrea"he said with a smile and she smiled back.

"Hey Madi"he said.
"Hey how's Amber doing I said and he just frowned.

"How do I know?"he said.
"Because she claims she's your......"

"Speak of the devil"Andrea said and I looked at where she was looking.

It was Amber with a mini skirt that if she made even any movement her butt cheeks would definitely come into view.

She walked over to Dylan and stood on her tip toes and pecked Dylan on the lips.

"Hey babe"she said snaking her hands around his neck"hey"he said although it was so obvious that he wasn't enjoying this at all.

I tried holding in my laughter when she dragged Dylan along and he gave us the save me look.

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