chapter 16

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Our hands were linked when we got to the dinning room and I saw both mom's looking at us with proud smiles of what they have done.

Me and Nick sat opposite our moms with both dad's missing.
My mom gave me the we are gonna talk about this later look.

I rolled my eyes at my mom but started eating.
Nick placed his hand on my thigh underneath the table.

I looked at him but he was still eating.
Everyone ate in silence before we finished eating.

After everything we all sat in the living room.
Both mom's were talking about what I didn't know while me and Nick sat in an awkward silence.

"So do you wanna talk?"Nick asked and I nodded.
"Yeah sure"I said with a shrug "okay let me just get to the point here,I never meant to not kiss you I just thought that maybe this wasn't the right time'' he said and I just stared at him.

"What do you mean at aren't you like interested in someone else?"I asked confused"what no let me explain but first of all who told you that?"he asked"is it Caleb?"he asked sounding furious.

"No David said both of you are interested in some chick"I said and he sighed in relief.

"Well I'm interested in a girl but she's ......"he suddenly stopped talking as if he realized something"wait a second are you jealous"he asked with a smirk.

"What?! No! Okay maybe I might be but does even matter now?"I said and he smiled"yes it does because......."

"Come on Nick it's time to get going"his mom said politely as if she was talking to a two year old.

"I'm coming"he said and his mom walked away"we'll talk about this later and please do not confront Caleb"he said.

"Why?"I asked"he's gonna make everything complicated"he said and I just nodded with furrowed eyebrows.

If he likes a damn girl why does he need to explain to me?
What does she have to do with me?
And why in the world would Caleb make everything complicated?
And why the fuck did he even say he wanted to kiss me although he has feelings for someone else?
Was Nick trying to play with me?

I knew that my questions couldn't be answered so I called someone.

"Hello?"he said from the other line.

"Hello Caleb"I said.

I know that what I did was totally wrong mostly since Nick said I shouldn't ask Caleb for anything but let's face it Caleb would know everything too.

I would have called David but he said that he wouldn't say anything that it was left for the boys to tell me.

So all I have to do is figure out who the girl is,you know? because I still have little hope that it's me.

Caleb might be annoying but I know he would tell me.
But what if he tells everything in favour of himself.

But Nick is also telling things in favour for himself and I would like to know what these boys are up to.

I know this is short and it's super obvious that I was in a rush.
But I also badly wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger so I hope it isn't bad.
I'll update tomorrow.

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