chapter 35

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I had been thinking about Nick.
I didn't want to go and see him but I had to,maybe not to sort things out but to at least help him,I mean he helped me when I needed it.

I was at home with Dylan,my head was on his shoulder as we watched a movie.

Since me and Nick broke up,he has always been there for me and I think he made it pretty obvious that he has feelings for me.

But since he didn't tell me I just pretended and went along with our friendship.

It was 2:00pm,I wanted to go see Nick by then.
I removed my head from Dylan"Dylan I think you should go I'm about to go somewhere"I said getting up and he got up as well.

"Where?"he asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"Uh...well...uh Nick"I said quietly,walking towards my bedroom with Dylan following me.

"What!I thought you broke up with him?!why go meet him now?"he asked clearly angry.

"Because Nick needs my help,even if we aren't coming back together I still care for him"I said finally entering my room.

"You've got to be kidding me,so you are telling me you still have feelings for that asshole even after all I've done?!"he yelled.

I didn't really feel like talking to him but he held me by my elbow and turned me to him and held it tightly.

"Stop.....Dylan you're hurting ......"

"Tell me do you still care about him?!"he asked,his expression clearly hurt.

"Y-yes"I whimpered in pain.

"After all I've done for you?!......"

"What have you done?!"this time I was getting angry.
He was acting as if he had done me a huge favour and it was like I owed him.

"Do you know what Nick and the guys had done for me?!no,no you don't,yes when Nick and I broke up I was heartbroken but then you helped me and tried to cheer me up but did you think that I owed you?!"I asked angrily.

"Yes!I felt like you owed me..."he took a deep breathe before saying"I want you Madison,I need you and I'm not letting some pathetic boyfriend of yours take you away from me"he said calmly.

"But Dylan I don't feel thesame way,I only saw you as  a friend"I said and it definitely came clearly that he was hurt.

"Me or him?!"he asked and I just scrunched my eyebrows"what?"I asked.

"I said me or him,choose"he said not letting go of me.
"Really Dylan?I thought you were better than this?so you want me to choose when you know who I would clearly choose"I said and he stayed silent.

"You know you're going to get hurt at the end"I said but he didn't say anything as if asking me to choose.

"Fine if you want an answer I'll get you one,I choose Nick"I said and his grip tightened making me whimper"s-stop"I said through tears that we're rolling down my eyes.

"You are gonna regret it"he said before letting go of me,I immediately fell on my bed.

"Dylan"I called out and he turned to me"I know this really hurt you but I really did love our friendship please don't let it get ruined because I chose someone I love over you"I said but his face was blank.

"It was ruined the moment you chose him over me"he said before walking out.

I was engulfed in silence when thoughts started to get into my head,was I really going to regret it?

My pale hand already had red marks so I decided to wear a hoodie with a short ,tight leather skirt.

I let my dirty blonde hair Cascade to my waist.
I really wasn't ready to see Nick but it's not like I had a choice.

I got into my car and drove off.


I had already gotten there and I became more worried when I saw the apartments door slightly ajar.

I made my way in only to hear some voices from the living room.

I decided not to just barge in ,so I walked in quietly to see the Butch herself , Janessa.

She was sitting on the table in front of Nick,she didn't notice me so I watched them.

Dylan was right,I would regret choosing Nick,maybe I shouldn't have come,it was just a waste of time since he was with Janessa.

I was about to leave when what he said caught my attention.

"You know what Madi"he said holding janessa's face.
My eyebrows furrowed,is he drunk?

"I......(hiccup)am s-such a dick,I always loved you,I swear I always did ,I was just going through a lot that in the moment I never felt the need to contact you after we broke up,yes I had sex with Janessa a lot but let's face it isn't sex the best remedy to forget?"he said.

Janessa was pretending to be me since he was drunk.
"After.....(hiccup) I lost Isabella the girl I used to love alot,she cheated on me,even though I caught her in the act she still denied it,since then I just couldn't do it anymore,I've handled a lot of heartbreaks from other girls........b....but it really hurt me when it came to Isabella,it really did"he said before taking another gulp of his drink.

"I used to think that she was happiness...."his voice broke"and then when we c......came to Royal Smith I wanted to help you and when we got our thing going on I just felt like Isabella wasn't worth it"he slurred finally letting out a sob and Janessa hugged him.

He kept sobbing in janessa's shoulder"I just want you back"he said through his sobs,for awhile he came down and fell asleep, she was looking around until she saw me,her eyes went wide.

"Y-Y-YOU"she stuttered.
I walked over to them Nick had already fell asleep so I took that moment to give Janessa bitch Kings a piece of my mind.

"I can't believe that you made me and Nick break up"I whispered and she just smirked.

"What did you expect me to do?I loved him all my life but he didn't see it,he was too blind to see,so I made sure he'll go through some little heartbreaks so that maybe just maybe......"she said taking a deep breathe"maybe he could see what I had for him"she said.

"You are really stupid you know"I said and she just looked at me confused"you made the poor boy go through multiple heartbreaks because of your selfish obsession over him,if you truly loved him as you claim you would have let him go....."

"I was too selfish to do that,I wanted Nick ,I just wanted to feel him touch me even if it was just once even if he was going through an heartbreak and he needed to forget I would be willing to be there for him and....."

"And you think he would be yours?"I asked and she just smiled"you don't deserve to be friends with him and I'll make sure he knows of the kind of person you are"I said.

"Stop rambling about rubbish ,you may think he loves you but news flash he doesn't Nick was just using you to forget all his problems he has been going through....."

"I don't need someone like you to tell me how he is,if he wants to tell me he will"I said.

"It's going to be so sad when you hear it from him,you are going to be hurt again and Nick will come running to me for comfort like always trust me"she said before leaving and making sure to bump our shoulders.

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