chapter 10

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  My eyes opened but I squirted it shot cause of the light.
I looked around before the memory of last night started to flood into my head.

I started crying when the boys and Angel came through the door.

Nick came to me and held me in a comforting hug"'s gonna be okay"he whispered.

"Don't tell my Mom"I said sniffing"but...."David was about to say something but I cut him off"don't tell her"my voice came out low and threatening.

"What happened to me?"I asked them"well the doctor I mean your uncle said you were having a panic attack"Nick said still not releasing me from the hug.

"I told your mom that you were in a sleepover"Angel said and I smiled at her"thank you"I said and she just returned my smile.

I called my mom later and assured her that I was at a friend's place and I'm fine before she let it go.

Nick offered for me to stay at his house since David and Angel were going to be busy.

Caleb just said he wouldn't come with us for God knows why.
We we're in Nick's car and I slumped into my seat and sighed.

"I'm sure that we are gonna get that dipshit"Nick said and I smiled.

Nick rested his hand on my thigh at first my body tensed but I began to relax.

Nick's POV
Once my hand touched her she tensed up.
This is all because of that bastard Frederick.

Yes I know him.
Frederick was a friend of ours but he almost raped Angel when she hadn't started to date David.

The guy was a lunatic so we kicked him out of our little group,we didn't need a psycho for a friend.

Once we transferred to Royal Smith we found out that he comes to the school.

The guy literally is a lunatic,he followed us to our school and now he's trying to hurt Madi.

Frederick was a smart guy he's been watching us from God knows where.

Now he knows that I and Caleb has a thing for Madi,the fool is using that to his advantage.

Poor Madison was just facing her little problem of bullies and now because of us she's even facing more problems.

Once I drove into the drive way she was already asleep.
I got out of the car and lifted her to my bedroom.

I saw Natasha on the way"hey sis"I said nodding in her direction"what happened to Madi?"she asked.

"Long story but right now she's asleep can you help me change her?she's been in that dress for two days now"I said and my sister nodded.

I got out and went to the living room when my phone started ringing.

"Hello"I said.
"Oh hello there my friend"the idiot said and I felt my adrenaline rush through my veins.

"You dipshit listen carefully if you don't leave Madi alone I'm gonna......"I couldn't finish my sentence before he cut me off.

"I know you gonna break my legs or what?that's what the others said"he said laughing like a madman oh wait he is one.

"I called David and Caleb and they just kept rambling on what they would do to me if I ever touched her again but I think those are just empty threats"he said.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked angrily"to ruin your sorry life's starting with Madi I'm gonna make her life miserable and all that happens to her will be you and those two idiots fault because I'm gonna make sure she knows that all the terrible things i did to her was your faults and I'm so sure that she's never going to forgive you guys"with that he hung up on me.

I let anger take control of me and I threw my phone across the room.
I heard someone gasp behind me and once I turned around it was Madi,oh fuck I left the loud speaker on so I'm sure she heard everything that Frederick said.

Tears came down her eyes and she just turned away from me.
Just great.

This chapter wasn't long but good enough.
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