chapter 13

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I woke up but felt like my bed was hard,huh?!
I opened my eyes and it widened in surprise.

Me and Nick were on the couch cuddling.
I lied on top of him and his hand was around my waist loosely.

I started to try and get up from his body and it worked perfectly well.

Once I was off his body,I turned around to see David.
He had a smirk on his face"I see so it's Nick?"he asked and I just furrowed my eyebrows.

"David I don't know what you are talking about and second it's not what it looks like"I said.

"But did I say anything I never said you guys did anything"his smirk widened.

"Well I don't care I'm leaving"I picked my purse and got out of the house.

   I was walking to my car when I heard someone whistle.
I turned around to see a guy walking to my direction.

"Do I know you?"I asked putting some strands of my hair behind my ear.

"Well no but damn you're hot"his eyes kept lingering on my boobs.

"Eyes up here"I said snapping my fingers at him.
"Anyway my name is Chris and I would like to have your number hottie"he wiggled his eyebrows.

I just rolled my eyes an kept walking but unfortunately for me he walked after me to my car.

The dude was looking at my ass"can you stop looking at my ass perv?"I asked and he just laughed.

"That's the exact reason why I want your number,I like the attitude"he said.

"And I hate you"I said before hopping in my car and drove off.
Gosh boys are perverts.

All they think about is sex.
I was driving home when my phone started ringing"hello"

"Hey Madi didn't see you at home"oh yeah Caleb.
"I'm so sorry I forgot you were gonna come over and I slept off at Nick's"I said.

Caleb was completely silent"Caleb you there?"I asked but he still didn't say anything.

"I'll talk to you later"he said,he didn't even let me speak and just hang up on me.

These two boys are getting in my head.
I sighed still remembering last night.
It was ....... hot and intense.

I don't know why I didn't let Nick continue but it was weird that he wanted to touch me,I felt electricity I don't know how to explain it but let's say like a spark from his touch.

Maybe I'm over thinking this.

Once I got home there was no sight of Caleb anywhere.
I got to my bedroom rushed into the shower and brushed my teeth.

I pulled my hair in a ponytail and wore a black hoodie and ripped jeans.

I drove as fast as i could to school cause I knew I was late.
Once I got there,I walked fast I made sure I avoided stares and whispers.

The whisper's started to get louder.

They are only helping her out of pity.

She's so ugly what did they see in her.

I'm sure she's gonna tell them to always be with her.

She's using her problems to get the boys.

I know they can't stand her.

I was getting really annoyed with the whisper's so I picked my headphones and put them on.

I was listening to sweet but psycho by Ava Max.

Oh she's sweet but a psycho
A little bit psycho
At night she's screamin'
"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"
Oh she's hot but a psycho
So left but she's right though.......

"Hey"I jumped frightened.
David removed my headphones"hey give it back"I pouted"aww you look so cute"he said pinching my cheeks.

"Caleb's mad at you"he said"what!what did I do?"I asked.
"It's not for me to say but I'm sure he'll come around"David said with a shrug.

"Why can't you tell me"I whined"well cause it's between the two of you it's not my place to tell"he said.

"That's not a good enough excuse" said rolling my eyes"but it's good enough for me"he said.

"I'll see you around"he said and I waved at him before he left.
I felt a hand harshly drag me to a corner of the school.

For a while I was scared,I sighed in relief.
Rooney cornered me and his hot breathe hit my face.

"Rooney you do know I'm still gonna say no right?and don't even dare touch me"I said making sure that my eyes held enough anger.

He chuckled"feisty I like this new version of you,since the boys came you've changed"he said.

"You are so dumb"I said rolling my eyes.
He leaned a little but closer,what is it with guys kissing me against my own will?!

Once he started getting closer I kneed him in the balls.
He cried out in pain as "do not ever touch me with those dirty hands"I said before walking away.

The girls stood beside my locker talking to Caleb and they we're laughing about something he said.

I thought Caleb said he never liked them.
I walked over there and Lexie was the first to snicker.

"Caleb can I talk to you"I  was saying this through gritted teeth's cause I'm sure going to kill him.

"I'm sorry Madi I'll talk to you later"he said before turning his attention to the girls.

I huffed and walked away not until Jenner dragged my hoodie which made me fall backwards.

I hit the ground and groaned in pain.
Caleb didn't even look at me"you see the way Caleb's acting towards you?that's how we are gonna make the boys hate you and boom you'll have no one and then you'll be back to square  one"Maya whispered.

I felt tears well up in my eyes not because of pain but because Caleb out of all freaking people hates me now for god knows why.

I got up and walked away,I'll make sure to give him a piece of my mind later.

I kinda think Caleb over reacted which is stupid.
But I know how everything's gonna work out.
Anyway remember to vote and comment.

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