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its been a week since Minerva declared herself as the new head mistress and everyone must admit, hogwarts changed alot. She published several rules that benefit most of the students like: quidditch matches will be four time a week, hogsmeade visitation will be three or four times a month, and there will be no more gender boundary between the houses. Means both male and female can sleep and stay in one room which is hadrian and his friends we're so happy and most importantly but i think not so importantly. Atleast one time a month all students from four houses will sleep in the greathall. Minerva believe that by implementing that rule the bullying will be lessen and the hatred in the four houses planted by former head master dumbledore will vanish and replace by friendship.


Hadrian is sitting on his usual spot( the couch near the fireplace) reading and article stating that Sirius black was spotted in paris. "Paris? What is he doing there?" Hermione ask she was drinking a cup of tea luna and pansy made. " I dont know maybe having a romantic date with him self?" Draco said with a small laugh. "Shut up draco. I'm sure he was up to something and what ever it is maybe it was very useful" hadrian sain and everyone agreed. " So where are we going to stay during yule?" Blaise ask. Then draco stood up carrying his confidence." What if you guys come over to our manor and spend yule there? What do you think?" He ask.

Everyone seems hesitant. " Nah. I'm staying with my parents we're going to china remember?" Pansy said.

"Me too we're going to america visiting some relatives." Vincent and Gregory said. (They we're cousins). "I'm going to stay with Viktor to improve my vampire abilities" cedric said. Luna raised her hand." I'm going to my fathers news factory". She said. "I'm going to my family's ancestral house for my grandparents." Theo said. Hermione and hadrian make a little laughing noise with that. "Seems no one wants to take your offer little brother" hadrian teased. Draco just give him a glare then sit back beside hermione hugging her like a child having a tantrum.


"Yes? Something bothering you?"


"What is it i could feel you're anxious aura over here."

"Does uncle sirius sightings in paris have to do with your resurrection?."

"You'll see"

"Tom? Tom where are you?"


"Ugh! Fine!"


"bye guys! Don't forget to send letters to us okay!" Draco shouted as their friends is taking another paths with their parents or companions. All wave their hands then apperate. (Nonesense paragraph)

Hadrian, hermione,draco, and neville apperate to the manor with mr. Hector. Meanwhile Narcissa and Lucius is talking with remus and sirius in the lounge of the manor when they heard a knock."It's them" Narcissa said excitedly finally their family will be completed. Lucius' flick his fingers and the door unlocked letting the visitors to come in. "Kids!" Narcissa exclaimed she said 'kids' so she's also referring to hermione and neville.

They we're wrapped by narcissa's lovingly hug.(if the good harry potter has molly then the dark harry has narcissa don't argue with that.)

"Mom I've missed you!" Hadrian exclaimed. Draco return the hug. " Where's mom and dad?" Neville ask confused.
" They're upstairs" she answered with a warm tone. Neville run to the stairs so fast making the adults anxious.
"Becareful neville the stairs is not fully dried." " I will!"


Neville found his self standing in a black Oakwood door short amount of tears slowly coming out of his eyes and when he enters the room he can't hold it anymore he cried at the sight. His mother and father and uncle is standing infront of him. The people who he'd missed for eleven years ( they're imprisoned when neville is two years old).
The missing piece on his heart is now standing infront of him. The people who we're arrested harmless while they we're celebrating his second birthday is now standing infront of him.

He ran towards them hugging them like as if there's no tomorrow. Tears uncontrollably fallIng from his eyes to his cheeks. " I miss you" was all he can say as the other three wrap their arms around the poor little lestrange. " We wont leave you again" bellatrix whispered tears also falling through her cheeks. She remembers the sad and lonely days she have spent in azkaban. There's no time she didn't miss her son. Keep asking to her self if was his neville alive? Does/was his neville eating Atleast three times a day? Was the others treating his son well and does his son have friends that can give him company?

One thing is for sure. She will make it up with her son and spent most of her remaining days in her life with his son.
A moment of silent reign the room and when they all come back to their senses they decided to come down and meet the others. When they come down to their surprised they saw sirius and remus hugging a girl who seems in age the same as their son neville.

It was Hermione

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