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Every one in the weasley family is currently sleeping in their own rooms it was midnight and the burrow was covered with nothing but darkness. It was raining that night and only the lightning strike is the light.(i literally dont know what i am saying right now).

In a room there was a crib with baby inside of it ofcourse. It was the 11 months old ronald weasley. He was peacefully sleeping . After some time the front door of the burrow swung open revealing dumbledore. He walk upstairs to see the boy and when he reach the boy's room his face frown. He couldn't believe a poor 11 month old baby was the one whos meant to kill him. He laugh then he pull out his wand as he attempted to point the wand to the boy a sound of apperation echoed the room revealing the one and only tom i mean dark lord.

He quickly ran towards dumbledore to stop him from killing the boy. He tried to stop dumbledore but the old man didn't listen instead he told tom to step aside or else he will be the one who's gonna die. He also said that they should team up but tom shoock his head and say theres only one darklord in the world and it was him. That words stung dumbledore's ears so he cast the killing curse in Tom's direction caught tom off guard causing him to fall. Gladly that time he completed his horcrux making so when the killing curse hitted him it just splitted his souls into pieces. A loud noise echoed the burrow making everyone who's asleep wake.

When they reach Ronald's room they saw the boy sitting in his crib while the darklord's clothes were on the floor. Seeing it making everyone grasp and then called dumbledore. Not so long after they call dumbledore the old man instantly pop up out of nowhere. Ofcourse he was just in the outside of the burrow waiting for the weasleys to call him. When he arrive he fake thinking then announced that the boy sitting infront of them killed the darklord. Making ronald billius Weasley the boy who lived.

Years past dumbledore manipulated ronald and the weasleys that he was tw boy who live. He also blocked his magical core making him weak and looking like as weak as a squib. Even though ronald and the darklord is no longer a problem to him there was still one enemy he should be aware of. The darklord's soulmate. At first he wass shock when he found out that the darklord's soulmate is a male and not a female but still prepare. He knows that the dark lords soulmate is a malfoy and he also know for a fact that the malfoy is a elit deatheater family so he expected that the malfoys will teach him about how he should avenge tw darklord and maybe kill dumbledore.

Because of ronald being the boy who lived Arthur weasley gain popularity as well. He gets a high salary and high position in the ministry making their family more wealthier than before. And also making them one of the richest family in tw wizarding Britain but not quite rich as the malfoy. They only topped #7 in tw chart of the wealthiest families while the malfoys remains no#1 after 10 consecutive years.

But the lies didn't last long. On Ronald's second year he found out about what really happened in the burrow years ago. It was still true that he was the vanisher of the antagonist of the story (he's just an extra though).but not the darklord but dumbledore.he confronted his parents that day and swear that he won't anything they say ever again. When his siblings found out about it also they get mad ofcourse.and that's why and how the weasley kids don't have good relationship with their parents.

Short story but i hope this would help you to understand things in this story and anyway ron is not an enemy here he was also a victim and maybe, maybe help hadrian in the future.who knows? Only me i guess haha. Anyway if you have questions you ask in the comment section and i qill answer it in the comment section as well.

You can only ask #BTBTDB
related questions okay? Bye.

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