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Thunderstorms suddenly erupt hitting everything outside the arena tents, stalls, playground were all scattered burning and partially destroy. Cedric along with Viktor and chad run as fast as they could to reach the inside of the arena and what they saw surprise them.

Also, lightnings were striking every where. Hitting the people inside. Everyone is in panic not know what to do. The lights from the ceiling of the arena were falling down and the banners and most part of the arena is also broken. Then the sky above the place form a giant tornado like shape making a hole in the center. Though its a tornado, it doesn't hit the ground instead a man in his 18s came out from it. Hadrian along with the other wizards who notice him look in the sky and saw the boy, hands agape, each one has lights coming out, his Eyes were flaring blue color, his hair is hazelnut brown,long enough leveled on shoulder. Hadrian with his friends look at him with nurrowed eyes clearly not recognizing the boy.

Cedric and viktor reach the arena and run towards hadrian but chad went opposite direction saying he's going to find their other teammates. The boy who is floating drop his self to the ground with still a standing posture. He look around him seeing the arena destroyed and people running to save their lives. Wizards of the ministry both aurors and disguised death eaters stands straight too. The aurors spread to from a circle while the deatheaters steps forward to protect hadrian.

Hesitant walking forward, Cornelius fudge spoke. " Who are you" he shouts. The boy look at his direction and fudge see something in him. Same face features to albus. He once saw a picture of albus in his teenage years when he was reading some old articles about the ministry and the face he saw in the picture is the same he's seeing right now.

"Albus?" He whispered but everyone around him hears him making each one of them eyes widened." Yeah! *Laugh* how are you my friends. Doing great?" The boy said.

"How. How are you young again?" Fudge shouts back in disbelief. " Impress are we? Well. It's such a long story. Oh, i see your having party. Sorry i didn't know. *Laugh* well well well let me intruduce my self. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian dumbledore. In my 18s" albus said bowing like a aristocrat.

"Oh hadrian! It's nice to see you again😊. Even though you tried to send me to jail😒. But fail😔" he said.(A/N: the emoji will represent his face and expression while talking)
"Well perhaps you should do it properly next time.🙂"

Hadrian who's standing with his father and friends were shock. Albus look at him with a sternly expression which alarm his guards making them block hadrian's direction and point their wands to albus. Fudge who was looking at albus look at hadrian's direction when albus suddenly mention him.fudge look back at albus then to his aurors.

"Fire!" Fudge said and as he said the other aurors cast some spells to dumbledore's direction. Deatheaters too.
"This is your time to prove your selves." Hadrian said looking behind him where his friends were standing. Pulling out their wands Hermione along with draco,nevile,viktor, cedric,pansy,crabbe,goyle,blaise,luna and theo fire some spells. Alexander and marcus look at each other then in the sky jumping. As they jump they transform into their creatures Alexander as a hydra and marcus as a phoenix. they starts flying around the arena.

Albus, whos dodging all the spells using his shield provided by the stone look at the his surroundings." Ohh i love this kind of attention." He said as he jump, floating spread his two hands and clap it hard one time releasing a huge amount of force field spreading it all over the arena real quick.

Hadrian along with the other people in the arena flee because of the shock wave but the hydra and the phoenix remain flying. Albus look around him seeing a phoenix.
"Is that a phoenix?🤨" He said his eyes again lighting. Then he saw a hydra." A hydra? 🤨Oh come on! 🤮 I'm sick of hydras." He said." Hmm who should i kill first?😕 The phoenix? Hey gillert what do you-" he said as he look beside him expecting to see someone. Sadness again reign albus's face as he look down remembering what happen with tears flowing. Then suddenly he look up with a serious face and look at the Phoenix as if targetting it with a muggle explosive thing called missile.

Pointing his right hand to the direction of the phoenix ready to shoot him but before he could release his power the hydra attacked him pushing him hard causing him to fall to the ground. He stands up and make his last aim. This time he successfully hit the phoenix causing it to fall in the stadium's upper ring. Floating albus aim for his next target. The hydra shooting power as much as he can he corners the hydra and hit it with the sudden force that can knock anyone out. Falling in the far next end of the stadium the hydra transform back into marcus and he hit himself with the chairs scattered around him knocking him out.

Pansy who's worried about marcus screams on top of her lungs powers coming out from her body breaking the force that stopping them from moving. Standing up everyone watches pansy as he run to Marcus' direction where albus were going to go too. As she run as fast as she could she transform into a huge eagle and fly to reach marcus.

Albus stands above the unconscious marcus he look at the boys face with pity showing in his face." I should have killed you. Along with your parents😒" He said ready to shot marcus in the face but as if a cue pansy catches marcus in the form of an eagle bringing him through hadrian's direction. Shock, albus look at the eagle and attempting to shoot her too but hadrian pull out his wand and throw a stupefy towards albus causing him to fly and hit the nearest wall.

Landing safely pansy transform back holding marcus in her arms as Lucius and the other approaches them. The aurors run to where albus is and when they're going to arrest him a shield suddenly form sending the aurors flying. The then fly with his hands again raise with lights.
"I will return. And when I'm back. All of you will be dead." Laughing albus faded in the thin air.

Too busy looking at albus the aurors along with fudge didn't notice that the death eaters were gone.


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