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Her voice enters my head. It's the different ways she's said my name. Her tone, the inflections in it. And it won't leave no matter how much I try to drown it out. 

It's been years since I've seen or spoken to her. 

After her graduation and everything that went down life resumed to normal. A new normal for me. Drakken and I grew closer. At first we dated for about three months. It was nice and I wanted this or at least I thought I did. 

Drakken often caught me lost in my own thoughts. He would say, "Shego, let her go." And I couldn't. Kimberly Ann Possible was constantly on my mind. 

'You're not friends.' I had to keep telling myself. You just saved the world with her that's all. Nothing more than that. Yet I know we bonded through the years in a very strange way. 

I drove to her house months later. It was being rebuilt though. Same shape bigger in size and a few extra add ons. As they were rebuilding I had sat in my car several times just to watch. I know her parents saw me, but I never cared. 

One day not expecting anything one of her brothers came knocking on my window. At that point the house was eighty something percent done. He asked what I was doing there and I told him to mind his own beeswax. Then he told me that Kim had left for college in London. The kid said that her boyfriend moved there with her too. 

At the time I didn't know she'd left. I thought she was just avoiding me. I haven't been back since that kid told me that Kim was gone. 

I know she's been back since then. Has she ever cared to talk to me - no. 

It's been seven years now. Seven years of longing to know anything. 

It took courage to drive over to her parents house and park in the driveway. My feet felt numb on the pavement as I walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. 

A thin tall-ish man opened the door. His facial hair was thick and he looked sad. 

"Shego?" He paused, looking surprised. "What are you doing here?" 

"Have you heard from Kimmie lately? Is she okay?" I asked him nervously. 

He laughed to himself. "We video chat a few times a week. You know she lives in Upperton now." 

Nope, didn't know that. "Oh, okay thanks." I turned away to leave. 

"Please come inside and let's talk." Her father said to me. 

It felt so weird sitting down at the kitchen table with him. He poured me some coffee and handed me some creamer and sugar. It was actually super good. Had a slight taste of cinnamon to it. 

"So Kim is okay?" I asked, my voice sounding far away. 

James grinned. "Great actually. Her and Ronald are expecting a baby." 

And my heart fell to the floor and shattered into billions of pieces as my eyes became Niagara falls. 

"Woah!" James cried out seeing my reaction. "What's wrong?" 

I blubbered. "I miss her." 

And he knew what I actually meant. "You love her." He said and came to hug me tight. "I've asked her over the years if you had spoken. Kim always said you were too busy for her. I knew she was lying to me." 

I took my shirt and wiped my face off. "It's my fault too. I shied away from calling or reaching out to her. You would think someone like me wouldn't be afraid, but I was. I still am." 

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