Embrace the Celebration of this year

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Ron! Here he is again with his Best bud, Drakken. They're building snowmen. Not just any snowmen either. Yep every single year now, Snowman Hank. They're all different heights and in different settings. Themed. Like Disney or Pirates, Johnny Style . . . yeah strange. They watch old episodes and cry together. Sweet, but they always act like they aren't if I walk into the room. I just smile to myself. 

It was a few years after Ron and I graduated college. We were also engaged and sending out invites. I wanted Drakken and Shego to come. Drakken came but for some reason she did not. Since then she's been so weird around me. I have no idea why. Anyway, it was after the reception and they just started talking video games. Instant boding sesh for them. 

So yeah Drakken has been in our lives like this since Ron and I got married. It was seven months after college. Two years later, I had a boy and we named him Timothy James. T.J. for short cause of my dad and the grown tweebs. 

They both have families. Jim married a nice girl named Clara. They have a little girl named Charlee. And Tim and his husband, Trace, have an adopted boy named Dylan. 

Did I want more kids? Yes. I can't have anymore. I had to get a hysterectomy due to the C. Luckily, I see a doctor twice a year and they caught it and got it out. I did follow up treatments to prevent anything further. I'm clean and doing well. 

T.J. keeps me plenty busy. He's always into some sport, then quits and tries something else. It's a pain, but for him - anything. 

Enough of this, Drakken just threw a snowball at Ron. I'm staying outta that crazy mess. 

Not long after they went back inside to watch old episodes again online. Drakken and Ron were adorbs saying each and every word of Snowman Hank song. 

I do find this time of year to reflect on the past. 

I just wish, like most years, that Shego would join us. I often wonder what she's up to. Drakken says she's doing fine. Same ole Shego . . . but I know she's hiding something. I may never know either. 

I don't know if she ever wanted a family or kids. Things like that bother me. Conversations about her with Drakken are matter of fact and spoken like she had coached him. At least she's still around. That's what matters the most. 

Dinner is always loud and I love it. 

Even Hana and Ron's parents sometimes come over. Cousin Larry is likely to show up. Joss even might come. 

I embrace all of these celebrations each year. This family comes in a variety of personalities and quirky habits. Each so different, but loved the same. I find myself lucky to have healthy family and friends. We also honor the ones that have passed on. 

Like my mothers parents. My father's mother and Slim. There are also people from high school that have left us. Teachers and people I sorta knew, did know of, and were friends with. 

It hurts to remember Big Mike and Diana Wang from cheer quad. There are others, but I won't list them. 

In rememberance we pray for them and hope they find peace. 

This time of year reflects on all we've gone through and how much we fight to survive. Life isn't easy. Some days are nice and others are a mess or worse. I praise my town and surrounding areas that have come together to try and make lives richer. 

There are places to donate and volunteer at. We've raised money for others and stood by each other in intense sitches. 

Embrace your community with whatever you can give. Help those in need or just sit with a friend and watch t.v. It's a lot of little things that go a long way and make a difference. 

From my crazy family to you and yours, K.P.

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