Hi, It's me #PrideMonth

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Here goes nothing. I'm Kim and in my late thirties. Gosh I'm getting old. Wasn't I just eighteen yesterday? I blinked and twenty years flew by. I was a teen hero, praised for it for years. When I went away to college I slowed down and did local crimes around London. Yes, and it was because of an old foe Drakken that I even considered going to college in another country. 

Drakken had built a place called International Continental University aka a huge lair to hide. Accidentaly Ron found it online and went there thinking it was a university. He got caught by Shego and Drakken. Let's just say things blew up and Ron and I barely got out alive. 

Ron came with me to England but he went to Morley and I went to University of London. During those four years I got pregnant with our first child and married too. 

All these years later I've felt my an urge to break free of the life I have now. Not that it's bad. I just want more ME time since my kids are teenagers now. 

Trying to find time for myself I also became aware of new feelings. They are not for my sweet husband either. 

I've got a confession. For the last two years I've been having crushes on women in movies and t.v. That is so not me - is it? Can someone's sexuality change over time? I think so. I mean aren't we always changing in some way? 

I want to say that I'm very interested in the how it could feel with a woman. 

Did I mention that Shego and I are best friends? Yeah, but we didn't become that right away. It was a year or so after I graduated from U of L. Ron and I were already married and I had my daughter, Kylie. I also had a son three years later. I named him after my dad. Timothy James, but we call him T.J.

I had Kylie with me at the grocery store  near my parents house. I saw Shego there and we started talking. It turns out that she had a baby( that wasn't with her at this time) with Drakken almost a year after I finished high school. She told me they dated for a while but eventually agreed that they'd be way better off broken up. They were better as friends and co-workers. 

She had name her daughter Stephanie and was two years older than my Kylie. 

Last week Shego and I met for lunch at a local cafe. I couldn't help myself. I kept looking at her mouth, her hair and other parts of her. I was so ashamed for doing that. I wanted to tell her what was going on with me. I chose not to even though she asked me a few times if I was doing okay.

How did Ron take the news about the new me? Um, not so well. He sat in silence for at least ten minutes. Then he got up and stared at me. "Are you sure?" He finally asked. "Does this mean you don't love me anymore?" 

I watched him grow sadder than ever. "I still love you. I still wanna be with you. I just want to discover the part of me that is now interested in women." 

"I'm  . . . I don't like this." He said, getting more upset and now growing angry. 

"You don't have to like it. I'm still the same person. I'm just not as straight as I thought I was." I told him and that sounded super weird to me too. 

"Since when K.P.?" He said looking around me instead of at me. 

I sighed. "Mainly through movies and t.v. shows. The females were getting my attention more than the men. Slowly I began to wonder things and think lesbian thoughts. Now I wanna kiss a girl." I said and thought of Shego. 

"EEWWHHHH. NO! I don't want you to do that or anything else." He said and his voice getting higher. "You want to cheat on me now?" 

I shook my head. "No. I was hoping you would let me do this one thing. I just want to know if I'm really into other women or this is just some weird thing. I need to discover this and test it out." 

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