Lil bit of Honey, Lil bit of more

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The whole house smelled of Thanksgiving foods. Kim had been handed down the hosting job this year. She and Ron were very busy cooking things. Both of their familes would be showing up in a few hours. 

 The tables in the kitchen and dining room were set. Shiny plastic golden plates and goblets of the same color were on the white table cloths. Silver ware were wrapped in white cloth napkins and tied with gold ribbon. She wanted everything to be perfect. 

Ron felt her stress and came over to help with setting up the fruit and veggie tray. "We've got this K.P."  He said and kissed her cheek. "Celebrating our first year of marriage and hosting this dinner is gonna be awesome." 

"I sure hope so." Kim said, wishing for the best yet a bit concerned. She knew people were gonna judge her cooking and hosting skills. 

Ron's parents and Hana showed up first. Followed by Joss and Slim. Aunt June and cousin Larry. Kim's parents and brothers. 

She got Happy T G texts from Bonnie and Junior, Monique and Wade. 

Kim stepped outside for some air. It was a little crisp but she didn't mind it. "Why do I feel like a handful of people are missing?" She said out loud not expecting anyone to be around her. 

"Cause there are people missing." James said, making her jump in surprise. She almost took a swing at him. He saw what she was going to do and moved. "Sorry that I scared you." 

"It's okay, Dad, just try not to be so quiet next time." 

James nodded, "I know it's hard not having Nana here or all of your other grandparents." 

Yes that did hurt a lot. "True. I miss them all so much." She said with a sad smile. "I was hoping that Shego and Drakken would show up. I never got a text back or anything." 

James half smiled. "Don't take personally. You aren't even that close with them." 

Kim sadly nodded and looked away. She thought her frenemyship with Shego was growing into a real friendship, maybe not. 


They were all enjoying the meal and chatting between bites. 

"What are you thankful for?" Ann asked Kim. 

"All of you of course, my friends and other family. And so much more." Kim said.

Ron stood up. "I'm thankful for my wife and all of my family. I'm thankful for this meal and praying for those that can't afford one. I wish I could do more around the holidays for those in need." 

"You can and that is your super power, Ron. Helping others is one of your top qualities." Ann said with a smile. 

He had stepped up after high school and started working with non profits and other shelters to help out. 

After the big meal, they gathered to watch some holiday movies and just talk. 

A few days later Kim was waiting in line for a coffee and had no clue who she was about to see. Getting up to the window and looking at the girl inside was a shock. 

MC Honey? 

Honey was shook looking at Kim and she was kinda embarrassed too. "Hi, Kim!"

"Hey, why . . ." 

Honey shook her head. "I get off in a few hours. I can talk to you then." 

Kim nodded. 

"Your total is 10.67." Honey said and took Kim's card to scan. 

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