POTUS . . .

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"Oy . . . you really think YOU can win peoples votes?" Shego said in her usually dry annoyed voice. 

"Why not?" Drakken griped. "It's my most brilliant plan ever!" 

"You'd have a better chance of winning a Grammy for Lather Rinse Obey." Shego said and laughed to herself. 

Drakken turned to her. "After all these years you still remember that?" 

"It is one of the most memorable. That and the fake college and parts of the world that got destroyed in the whole wanting to recreate Pangea thing." 

He blasted, " . . . well WE did help SAVE the world from Warmonga and the other guy!" His voice changed as he tried to think. "I forgot his name. It doesn't matter anyway, that was forever ago." 

"If you are gonna do this I'm not gonna be a part of it." 

Drakken frowned. "Oh come on we do almost everything together!" 

"I have no interest in politics. Kicking and stealing so down. Being your first lady or whatever no freaking way." 

Drakken pouted like a child. "Fine. I'll find someone to help me win." 

Shego checked her nails then walked over. "The election is like two years away." 

He shrugged. "Then I've got time to learn everything I need to! And I will be President of The United States of America!"

 Shego rolled her eyes. "I'll go on a talk show and tell everyone to run for their lives." She laughed and walked away. 

"Why do you never believe in me?" He shouted. 

She turned around. "One question are you taking over to make the world better or worse?" 

Drakken closed his mouth and looked around. In the past he had always been the bad guy. The one that wanted to take over the whole world. And now . . . 

"Yeah, President is about change and helping people. Not taking away their rights and letting them sleep on a sidewalk. All the ones in the past have mostly failed. Heck maybe I should run. I can give good a try for a few years. I bet a woman like me can make a difference. So think about that. You wanna run against me?" 

Drakken laughed loudly. "YOU? That's hilarious? It's worse than me being POTUS." 

Shego was changing her mind. She never had been into politics at all. "You don't think I can be President? I'll prove you wrong!" 


 . . . . two yrs later. 

"So what do say Vice President, Possible, wanna get lunch?" Shego turned around in a stunning light green pant suit. 

"Sure thing, President Go!" Kim smiled at her. "Who run the world?" 

"Us. And it's about damn time." Shego winked at her. 

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