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small happy things boost system, get toxic ppl out of your life , What's good for my soul 

Bonnie had been ranting about old times and baggage for the last hour. "I mean those pants they are so ten years ago." She sighed. "At least Junior has style and a cute bootie." 

Kim rolled her eyes. "EW . . . gross." 

"I have a hottie and yours is such a Nottie!" Bonnie said and laughed. 

Kim was tired of this. She actually yelled at Bonnie. "Stop it! Just freaking stop it! I'm tired of you talking crap about my boyfriend!" 

Bonnie stepped back and stared at her. "Wow. That was something I thought I'd never hear from you." 

"I . . . we're both in our thirties now, Bonnie, can this high school stuff stop already." 

Bonnie had to get one more jab in, "Kinda sad that Ron has never asked you to marry him. What's with that? You've been together since senior year." 

Kim knew Ron had issues with marriage, but she wasn't going to tell Bonnie anything. 

"I'm done. I can't deal with you anymore. I don't know why I've let you be like this to me and Ron all of these years." Kim said angrily. 

Bonnie looked hurt. "I've always been the same person, Kim. I haven't changed." 

Kim looked into her eyes. "And that's the problem." She said and walked away from her. "Ron! Let's go!" She yelled out as he was in the middle of playing lazy basketball with Junior. 

Ron had only made four shots and Junior two since playing for the last hour. "At least my pants didn't fall down." He said with a big smile. 

"I was having fun." Junior said and held onto the ball. 

Kim walked up to Junior. "You and Ron can be friends. I'm done being friends with Bonnie. She's toxic to me and I can't deal with her anymore." 

Junior frowned. "My wife isn't toxic. She's sweet and gives me so many kisses." 

Kim made a face of disgust. 

"Kim!" Bonnie came over to them. "Fine, I'll stop talking about Ron and your non marriage." 

Kim was past the point of angry. She just let out a shrill scream and started shaking. 

Everyone looked at her like she was insane. 

"Lose my phone number." Kim said with a growl in her voice. She hurried to the car and got into the passenger seat. 

Ron came to the car a few minutes later. "Kim, we gotta talk." 

"First coffee. I need coffee, please. Don't talk to me until I drink some of it." Kim told him. 

Ron knew Dunkin' was close so he went there. 

Kim drank quite a bit of her latte with extra caramel in it. 

Ron happily ate a glazed donut. 

"Bonnie is toxic. She's negative and it's personally bad for my soul. I have to let her go." Kim told Ron honestly. 

Ron felt that. "If that's what you need." 

"It is. After all of these years I have to let her go. It makes me sad, but I get stressed and anxious around her. I've never let her get to me like this. Maybe it's because I'm older now." Kim said watched the traffic in front of her. "Let's go home, Ron." 

Later that night Ron was thinking a lot about what Bonnie had said. Non marriage. So what if he wasn't married to Kim. They still loved each other. 

Kim saw him come into the kitchen. "Hey, I called my mom. She said Kylie is having so much fun." Kylie was their eight year old daughter. And she was having a few nights with her grandmother and grandfather. 

"She's coming home on Sunday, right?" Ron asked. 

Kim nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna pick her up." She smiled sleepily as he sat down. "Is there anyone toxic you need to let go of? Friends or family. Anyone that's gonna take a toll on your health." 

"I can't think of anyone right now." Ron said then kissed Kim on the cheek. "You gotta do what's best for you." 

"One question. Do you think you'll ever want to get married?" 

Ron sighed. "I like us the way we are. Marriage is just a piece of paper that can lead to another paper saying divorce. I don't want that to happen." 

Kim nodded, "Yeah, well, I would never divorce you. We're in this for life." 

"I know. Kim, I vow to you that I will be the best non husband ever. You and Kylie are my world." Ron said, looking into her eyes. 

Kim smiled at him. "And I'll be the greatest non wife." She said with a light forced smile. She really did want to get married. She hoped that Ron would change his mind in the future. "Promise me one thing. We won't allow people like Bonnie to bring us down. No matter what we'll cast out negative vibes and people." 

"I'll do my best, babe." 

Kim kissed him. "Thanks." She said and kissed him again. 

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