Pods and Nacos

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Continuation of 2022, new K.P. Ep. 

Kim watched Drakken and Ron chow down for the third day in a row at Bueno Nacho. They'd somehow become buds over these last few days. 

"Aren't yall sick of mexican yet?" 

The guys looked at her with stuffed happy faces. So did Ron's aging mole rat, Rufus. Rufus couldn't move as quick as he use to, but he sure could eat a lot. 

Kim rolled her eyes. "I'd rather be strapped back in and doing that strange podcast." 

There was a well known laugh behind her. "That's just too easy. This is lame too." Shego eyed Drakken. "You've gained a lot of weight in three days." 

Drakken just shrugged and continued eating. 

Shego was curious, "Do you and Naco boy have any kids?" 

Kim leaned in and whispered, "He's sitting across from me." 

Interesting  . . . 

Shego stood up. "Come on, Kim, let's go somewhere else." 

"Ron, meet me at the park in an hour." Kim said as he burped. "Ew." She said, made a face and grabbed Shego's arm. 

Shego turned and winked at Ron before strolling out with Kim. 

"I feel sick now." Ron said to Drakken. 

Drakken did too. "BLAH. I need a to-go box. I'll get you one too." 

Food wasn't the reason he was feeling sick. It was the wink Shego had given him. 

At the park that was a five minute drive, Shego and Kim were just walking around. "It's always fun trying to beat you up. Wanna fight me now?" 

Kim laughed. "Not in the mood." She saw the playful look in Shego's eyes. 

And Shego frowned. "Again, you're a loser." 

Kim stopped cold. "Words hurt you know." 

"Geez, I didn't, well, I'm sorry." Shego said, meaning the sorry part. 

"It's just we're older now. And you've aged well." 

Shego smiled and spun around then added a bit of Elvis to her voice, "Why thank ya veryyy much." 

Kim was afraid to ask if Shego was dying her hair now. She knew the woman was nearing her fifties. Shego had kept her apperance the same after all of these years. 

"Stop it! I know what you're thinking! Yes, i admit I use anti-aging products. I don't want wrinkles. You need to start using them now too." 

Kim gasped. "Kinda rude, but you're right." 

"I don't wanna have any, but Ron and I were thinking about adopting one." 

Someone screamed in the distance. Both turned to see a dog chasing after a kid. 

Kim went into saving mode. She patted down her pockets and grabbed a dog bone. She usually had a few on her for these situations. "Hey!" She yelled to the terrified boy. "Run to me!" Kim launched the dog bones into the air and hoped it was enough. 

It wasn't. The dog was about to attack when Shego blasted it with her green. The dog yelped and laid on the ground. Shego looked down at it. "Double hockey sticks, this isn't even a dog!" 

Kim came over as the kid went to his scared parents. "A coyote." She got on her Kimmunicator and called the wild life people. 

Ron and Drakken showed up fifteen minutes later as the coyote was being taken away. 

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