Chapter 37

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Until now, Lin Mengmeng has no dream of accumulating points to exchange for magical fruits.

Is it really important to be extremely smart and beautiful?

Yes, it is important!

But she herself is a bit salty, and she wants to give up after trying such a difficult thing. She always feels that she can't do it at all.

And, since you plan to spend a lifetime in the world of fiction, you must weigh the usefulness of the points carefully, and use the points on the knife edge instead of on some unrealistic goals.

For her, she has been able to enter a key university through her own efforts and has proven that her IQ is not bad, and it seems that she no longer needs to exchange magic fruits to improve her IQ.

After all, her dream is not to be a scientist, she doesn't need super high IQ.

And beautiful...

Isn't she beautiful now?


Lin Mengmeng looked down at her chest and sighed Shen Shen.

Forget it!

Isn't it just a little flat? Who said Wangzi Xiao Mantou is not a mantou? Besides, there is no fleshy fruit that has to improve its appearance at one time, and there are other system item options that require less points.

If you really want to upgrade the cup, just exchange for a special breast plastic surgery [Look at you and I'm ups and downs], can't it? It's a bit expensive, but it's not so expensive.

As for other system items, especially disposable items, the prices are cheap. She doesn't bother to exchange them every day, and she doesn't have any pressure.

Rather than always relying on system items, she might as well rely on her own father...More beauty, more skin care, more clothes, more dressing, this is much more reliable than system products.

Plan to pass!

After spending some time clarifying the clues, Lin Mengmeng has lost a lot of burden when he enters the entertainment industry, half of it is to collect points, and half is purely for hobbies.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Mengmeng just got dressed when she received a call from Jiang Linfeng.

"Okay, wait for me, I'll get down as soon as possible." After

hanging up the phone, Lin Mengmeng looked left and right into the full-length mirror at the door, and made sure that she was beautiful. Then she went out with her small satchel.

Since she got the college admission notice, Lin Hongda, who didn't want to wrong her baby girl, bought a house during the summer vacation, and the holiday decoration was well-decorated. When Lin Mengmeng went to university, she could live there without crowding the student dormitory.

Lin Mengmeng's university stipulates that freshman must live on campus. She stays obediently until the end of the freshman year. After the final exam, she packed her luggage and moved directly to her house.

Although it is convenient to live in school and get along with roommates, she still likes independent and private spaces.

...At least, she doesn't need to hold herself anymore when she wants to play the game thoroughly, and she won't disturb the roommate who wants to rest.

Although she moved out, she has maintained a good relationship with a few roommates.

Occasionally a few roommates want to cook a hot pot and have a meal, watch TV all night, find a comfortable place to take a shower, and they will come to her house.

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