Chapter 43 Papa Tom Wants Grand-Kittens

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Okay, first a small rant and even a bit of advice for those who like to write fics. I read a lot of fanfics guys. I enjoy reading about a number of fandoms really but there are a few things that totally ruin a story for me even if it carries a lot of potentials. The first and probably the biggest is the INTENTIONAL LOWER CASE.

If someone could explain to me why some people write without capitalizing properly that would be great because whenever I see a sentence go: "i looked at him and smile. adrien had been my friend for years. " I wanna stab someone. The whole story upper case is ignored and to me, that is just lazy writing. The description can sound so interesting but as soon as I see the 'lower case intentional' I'm out. Nope. And I feel like I have to ignore a lot of potentially cool stories because of it, so please someone make me understand. Know now, if you even want me to read your book and you don't take the time to use capital letters where it is appropriate, I will not read it. Spelling errors happen, I make them all the time and rarely go back and edit but capitalizing a name or the letter I or the beginning of a sentence is just basic grammar. Please for the love of all that is holy use capital letters.

Paragraph spacing is another one. Sometimes my paragraphs can get a little lengthy don't get me wrong but some stories have zero one whole chapter in a single paragraph with dialog and all. Space your words, especially when people are talking. Otherwise, it is really hard to read.

This one is a little smaller and I don't see it as often as I used to but it still pops up from time to time and that is unnecessary character descriptions. You know those little chapters before the story where it will give an OC/readers general physical description but also all their talents, fears, goals, love interests, hobbies, etc. If you ever read an actual book, they do not have those. That is all information you as the writer should have in mind so that you can progressively reveal it over time so that your readers can get to know and relate to your character. Making a character description page doesn't make me not read a story, but a lot of the time I just skim over it if not skip it completely. I don't want you to tell me the character is funny, smart, and heroic, I want you to show me they are. Show, don't tell I believe is the phrase.


AAAAAAHHHHH GUYS! So, I was finally able to watch Miraculous world as well as some of the episodes of season 4 off a website I would not recommend because it is littered with ads and pop-ups as free streaming sites tend to be, but I was desperate! Anyway! Oh boy, do I like what I saw for the most part and can't wait to incorporate it! Spoiler alert for season 4 if you have yet to see it scroll to the story now!

Gone? Okay, the only real big thing that I found I am now going to have to work around is Luka's father being Jagged Stone. A lot of parents are hardly mentioned at all and I simply figured Luka's dad would be no different thus I created an imaginary persona for him before watching Truth. That being said, I am clearly going to have to change that detail in one way or another, I do have some idea. Zoe is also kind of a wild card. I knew of her existence from promo stuff as well as a google search but due to her being a new character there isn't much given on her or her background as a whole so I'm trying to reframe from bringing her up too much. She and Chloe are obviously very close in age. I am under the impression that Chloe is the older sibling but that is just an assumption and since that's how I portrayed it in a previous chapter that is just how it's going to have to stay in the long run. We of course have some ways to go before then, and hopefully, soon the new season will be on Netflix or Disney plus and I won't have to use sketchy websites to watch it! Now, on with the story!

Being in love is a good thing, but it is not the best thing. There are many things below it, but there are also things above it. You cannot make it the basis of a whole life. It is a noble feeling, but it is still a feeling. Now no feeling can be relied on to last in its full intensity, or even to last at all. Knowledge can last, principles can last, habits can last but feelings come and go. And in fact, whatever people say, the state called 'being in love usually does not last. If the old fairy-tale ending 'They lived happily ever after' is taken to mean 'They felt for the next fifty years exactly as they felt the day before they were married,' then it says what probably never was nor ever would be true, and would be highly undesirable if it were.

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