Chapter 18 You Got a Friend in Me

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Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. "Stay" is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary.

Do you ever find yourself in a situation and wonder, what am I doing here? Lucy was currently in that state of mind. The day had been starting out normal. School had ended and she was making her way home, when a limo pulled up beside her. For a moment, she had kept walking, thinking it was more of a random occurrence but when the window rolled down and her name was shouted out from an oh so familiar voice, Lucy stopped and looked over with a raised eyebrow.

"Can I help you Chloe?" She asked, unsure what the blue eyed girl could want from her.

"You most definitely can! Now, be a dear and get in the limo." Chloe popped open the door and scooted over, waiting for Lucy to get inside. Lucy was hesitant to do so and for a moment just stared at her with uncertainty before getting inside. Chloe clapped her hands with glee and told the driver to head home before making small talk with Lucy. This is what lead her to her current location of Chloe Bourgeois's bed. Silently watching the girl toss around her clothes as she tried to find something to wear. Chloe had not given any explanation to why she had brought Lucy with her and the darker blonde girl was beginning to loose her patience in waiting for one.

"This is rubbish! Ugh, I don't have a thing to wear! This one is way too pink! Those are so last season!" She picks up two pairs of shoes, brown heel ankle boots in her right hands, while holding another pair of red shoes in her left. "Those don't cost nearly as much. And these are never in season! Agh, I hate all of these!" She complains tossing the shoes aside.

"Chloe." Lucy says sternly, making Chloe poke her head out from her closet to look at her.

"What?" She pouts.

"What am I doing here?"

Chloe steps further out of the closet and places her hands on her hips. "Your supposed to help me find an outfit but clearly that isn't going to happen because everything I own is trash!"

"Wha- Chloe." Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation. "Why have you dragged me here to help you pick out an outfit?"

"I need a second opinion. That's what friends do, they help each other look cute."

"Oh! of course!" Lucy exclaimed crossing her arms and legs. "How could I be so silly, there is just one issue. We are not friends."

Chloe scoffed and waved her hand at Lucy dismissively. "Of course we are Lucy goosey! Remember that time you came over and hung out? We did some homework, talked about your blooming relationship with Chat Noir."

Lucy blinked at her. "When I..? What?" She stood and brought her hands up in a defensive manner. "First of all, never call me that again. Secondly, are you talking about months ago when the Evillustrator was after you? Because we got absolutely no homework done and I most definitely did not discuss any blooming relationship with Chat Noir with you."

"That's because it was still new! I bet you have plenty of details to share now!" Chloe said clasping her hands together and lifting one foot of the floor. Lucy looked at her bewildered and got up from the bed. She marched over to Chloe and placed her hand on her forehead.

"Are you sick? Did you hit your head on something? Or are you seriously this delusional?"

Chloe clasped Lucy's hands in her own and gave a small smile. "Aw, look at you, making sure looking after me. Such a good friend." Lucy ripped her hands away from Chloe.

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