Chapter 53 P.S We Love You

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Guys! So I have Disney+, right? And here I am thinking it's like Hulu whereas episodes of miraculous come out, it will be added to it. Wrong! So I hopped on YouTube and found the handful of episodes I was waiting on in season 4 and watched them there. A few things have got my attention.

Spoiler alert if you care!

1) Watched the episode where Juleka gets the Tiger Miraculous. Besides me having to work around the power she is supposed to have vs the one I gave at a guess, I now find out the Juleka and Luka are twins. I figured Luka was a year or so older since we never see him at school or in class with any of the other kids. Even after I figured he was homeschooled I still didn't think they were twins but here we are.

Regardless, my dudes, I went back and now remember I killed off Luka and Juleka's dad. (-_-) This is what I get for trying to add depth when the show hasn't ended. I also noticed I spelled Juleka, Julika in the past which is an error on my part that I am too lazy to fix but definitely is annoying. Thus, just now, I went back and edited that small detail about their father. Feel free to reread the "rock the boat" chapter if you desire. I only mention Luka and Juleka's hypothetical father very briefly in one paragraph so I doubt anyone even remembered I did that but if I did know, then it's important you are aware I changed it. I just took death and replaced it with left. That change doesn't affect any other part of the story currently but for season 4 chapters, mainly the first, it will be important.

2) 100 weeks. In the most recent episode, or at least what I believe is the most recent. Gabriel brings Adrien down and shows his son what he has been hiding from him this whole time. Adrien's mother and that he is ShadowMoth. In his little speech, he says it's been 100 weeks since Emilie had been gone. This just makes me curious about the timeline of the show. In "Felix" The episode we are about to cover, it is the 1 year anniversary of Emilie disappearing or dying...and by almost the same point in the next season, "Ephemeral" almost a whole other year has gone by with 100 weeks equaling around 23 months.

Normally that's fine. I actually discussed something like this in my comments a while back where they told me that although it doesn't seem like it, the episodes in Miraculous take place in shorter amounts of time, most of them within a few days and weeks. So instead of every season representing a year as most TV shows do, it's usually only a few months. Now, of course, most cartoons operate this way. Live-action TV shows make the seasons represent years pass, usually because characters in them age. You simply can't keep a show running 5 years and act like the characters aren't aging, especially child actors. With cartoons, obviously, aging isn't a huge factor. They age up when the writers say they do and that's it. Once again, that's fine. BUT I can't help but wonder why seasons 1-3 take place in roughly a 1-year time span, and yet 3 and 4 take place in the same time frame. Why so much longer? It's not really that important I guess, but Im the type that likes to be able to map out events in a time span and that's hard to do when the show runs this way.

Unrelated I was thinking about making a playlist for this story.

Anyway! Onward.


You never knew the last time you were seeing someone. You didn't know when the last argument happened, or the last time you had sex or the last time you looked into their eyes and thanked God they were in your life.
After they were gone?
That was all you thought about.
Day and night.

Far below his home, Gabriel wipes his left hand containing the two rings with a blue cloth as he stands in front of his beloved wife.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous will soon be mine, I promise. Then, I will get the ultimate power, and we shall all be together again." He raises the 2 rings overlapping them before he slips them apart. Their silver plating shines in the light before he puts one ring on Emilie's left ring finger, and places her hands together again. "You and I." He says, putting the other ring on his finger. "Soon, Emilie."

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