Chapter 54 In The Name of Love

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Just a bit of an Author note before we being. I know, tedious, but hear me out.

In this chapter(s) I plan on trying to really highlight some relationships. I try to do that in general but usually, it's just a light gloss over most of them. Due to my attempt in digging a little deeper, the chapter may get lengthy (as they tend to do), and depending on how much will determine if I split up this chapter into two parts like the episode. I won't go over all of them in this note but a few of the important ones

Andre and Audrey have a very...odd relationship to put it lightly and I have tried to place Andre's perspective lightly in the past to better get an idea of where he is coming from (at least in my story). Especially because of the introduction of Zoe in the next season. They haven't given much background on her as of yet but her arrival doesn't really surprise anyone, in particular, it doesn't surprise Andre. With that being said I could only assume that he has known about Zoe for some time. Zoe and Chloe are also supposed to be half-siblings but are obviously very close in age. I've decided to make Zoe the younger of the two but obviously with this show they might be like haha sike, Zoe's older. So cross your fingers I don't need to adjust.

Chloe and Chloe is also a big one. This chapter/episode is a big character adjustment. She goes from trying to be better (generally) to do a 180 and I hate that. Due to me wanting to keep things close to the show so I don't have too many obstacles to work around, unfortunately, that is not something that will be changing in my story, however, I hope to add some clarity and in-depth perception on Chloe's internal conflict with herself and those around her, making her poor choices better explained and hopefully in a way, understandable.

Chloe and Nikolas. I haven't touched base too much on this relationship, because although it is important, it is a side relationship that if I put too much into it would probably take away from the main plot focus. (Chloe and Nik spin-off anyone?) Haha. Regardless we did get to see the two together and hear how it started as well as Chloe's attempt to brush off the importance of her relationship with Nikolas to Lucy. However, I am hoping that in this chapter I will be able to give a little more insight on that, not only from Chloe but Nikolas as well.

I know this note makes it seem like a big Chloe chapter and in a way it is but I have every intention of trying to bring insight to the many other relationships listed. Especially the main ones.


Life seems sometimes like nothing more than a series of losses, from beginning to end.

Audrey had tried to be patient. She had been trying to adjust for the sake of her family. Unfortunately, it would seem that perhaps she had been away too long. That maybe she had gotten used to the distance. Independence was something Audrey lived for. Growing up in a home that believed a woman's place was behind a man, someone strong and financially could take care of her, all the blonde wanted to do was break the chain. She watched her father rule over her mother and his children with an iron fist. Valory Hemmingway, Audrey's mother, would never speak out against her husband. She was his right hand, yet always one step behind him, respectively.

When she had found her passion in fashion, her father had dismissed her. "Fashion is a fine hobby darling," he had told her. "but I'm not putting good money towards an education for you to learn about trying on outfits."

She had cried to her mother about it. Tried to explain her passion and dreams about what her life would be like in the fashion industry. It was no real surprise to Audrey when her mother pet her hair and hushed her, telling her that her father was right. She could explore fashion as much as she wanted in her free time, but school was for learning about things worth knowing. Times were changing and a pretty face wasn't enough to find a good husband anymore. How else would she be able to even enjoy fashion, if she did not have someone to take care of her and indulge her hobbies? It always came down to that. Who would take care of her, as if there was never a possibility she could take care of herself.

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