Chapter 1

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Emma was on her way home from school when she ran into her bestfriend.
"Hey em."
Olivia said walking over to her.
"Hey babe."
Emma replied. Emma and Olivia weren't together but they called each other babe and baby. Emma had a massive crush on liv but liv was straight and so was Emma, at least that's what she thought.
"You heading home?"
Liv asked knowing that em had an abusive dad.
Em sighed.
"Why don't you just run away and come live with me?"
Liv suggested knowing it was a bad idea but she didn't want em to get beaten.
"You know I can't come live with you, your mom doesn't even like me."
Emma said. Liv's mom sensed the love emma had for liv that's why she doesn't like when liv hangs around her.
"I'll sneak you in."
Liv really wanted em away from her home, she would do anything for em not to get hurt again.
"I don't know liv..... it's a risky plan."
Emma stated as she finally made it home.
"I'll text you later baby, I don't want your dad to see us together."
Liv then said giving her a kiss on the cheek then walked away in the opposite direction.
"Bye! I'll see you tomorrow at school!"
Emma shouted as she walked towards her house.

As she entered the house she saw her dad waiting her her.
"Took you longer than usual to get home today young lady, where did you go?"
He asked calmly walking towards her.
"I didn't go anywhere dad I just didn't run home today like I usually do."
Emma said.
"Better be now go upstairs and get ready for dinner."
Lane demanded.
"Yes sir."
She answered and ran up the stairs.

As she got in to her room she received a text from liv.
Liv <3: hey babe are you okay?
E: yeah he didn't hit me yet since I got home.....hope the rest of the day goes as smoothly.
O: okay babe :) wanna ft?
E: sure I'll call you in a sec, I'm gonna change first <3
Emma put her phone down on to the bed and got changed.
She wanted to look good for liv but tried to make it seem like she didn't care. She just put on some clear lipgloss after she washed her face.
After she was done she made sure she looked presentable before calling her. They were on face time for at least an hour. Lane knew he told Emma to come down for dinner five minutes ago but she didn't come down so he headed to her room.
Emma and liv were wrapping up their call.

"Bye babe I love you."
Liv said before hanging up the call.
"Bye love you too."
Emma said hanging up the call. Lane heard their goodbyes and was furious on why his daughter was saying I love you to a girl.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
Lane asked angrily as he barged in to Emma's room.
"Jesus Christ."
Emma said to herself as she jumped at the sudden intrusion.
"What are you saying I love you to a girl Emma?"
He asked as he walked further in to her room.
"Dad it's just my best friend."
Emma said scaredly. Her heart beat intensified as lane walked closer to her.
"I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses! There is no gay in this household. Do you hear me?"
He shouted making emma shake.
"But da-."
Emma tried to tell him she wasn't gay but he cut her off.
"No! Shut up and get out this house right now! You have a minute to pack your things before I beat your ass!"
Lane shouted as he slammed the door behind him on his way out.

Emma was shaken up not knowing
what to do. She quickly got a duffle bag and started packing her clothes and all the stuff she needed. She had a stash of food in her closet because her dad prohibited how much she ate.
She packed all the food she had and took off.
She wanted to call liv and tell her everything that happened but if her mom found out she had been staying there, she would call her dad and she didn't want to go back there. instead she went to a spot the homeless gathered.

Two days later


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