Chapter 4

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A week later

Emma hasn't moved from her bed in days. She was having a hard time sleeping and she was barely eating. Maya and carina didn't know what to do with her because she wouldn't talk to them. She couldn't take anymore sick days off of school so Maya and carina had to force her to go.

"Nooo I don't wanna go maya leave me alone!"
She groaned as the two adults looked over her while she was still in bed.
"I know it's hard but you have to go to school emma, your education isn't a joke and if you skip anymore days you'll get kicked out of school."
Maya said taking the covers off of her.
"I'm not going!"
Emma said pulling the covers back over her face. Carina watched maya try to get her up but it wasn't working.
"Emma I'm looking at carina right now and I don't think you wanna test her. It looks like she's gonna go psycho if you don't get up right now."
Maya warned her knowing carinas temper wasn't the best.
"I don't care...... I can take whatever she has for me."
Emma said because her dad was abusive and she could take some pain.
"That's it."
Carina said making mayas heart race because she didn't know what the Italian was gonna do to her.
Carina then took the covers off of Emma. She picked her up bridal style as Emma refused and tried to push her away but she wouldn't budge.
"You are going to get in this shower and when I get back you better be ready for school young lady."
Carina said in an angry tone bringing her in to the bathroom.
She put Emma down to stand and walked out the bathroom closing the door behind her so she had some privacy to change.
Maya definitely didn't think carina could pick Emma up and without struggling as well. Maya was shocked and honestly scared of her girlfriend.

"Come one let's give her some privacy."
Carina said walking out her room.
Maya followed her to the kitchen.
"I've never seen you like that."
Maya commented as they started making breakfast.
"Like what?"
Carina questioned.
"Like all parent-y. Like a mom."
Maya replied with a smile as she thought of carina becoming a mom.
"I mean I guess it's just practice right?"
Carina shrugged her shoulders not knowing if maya wanted kids or not.
Maya liked the idea of having kids of her own but she never met the right person until now. She was sure carina was the one she was gonna spend the rest of her life with.
Maya replied shyly making a smile appear on carinas face. Carina went up behind Maya and hugged her.
"You really want kids?"
Carina asked. Maya rested her head on carinas shoulder.
"Yes, I would love to have kids with you. Don't get to giddy though, marriage comes first."
Maya said feeling the grip carina had on her waist become loose realizing what she just said.
"Oh god I didn't-."
Maya tried to say just in case she might of scared carina off.
"Bambina shhhh. Let me enjoy this moment with my future wife."
Carina shushed maya as she swayed holding on to her. Maya loved the thought of marrying carina so much but they were only dating for 11 months and a few days so far. It was way too early to be talking about marriage. They swayed for a little bit before getting back to making breakfast.

       Twenty minutes later

"That's it. We gave her more than enough time to get ready."
Carina said almost storming off to Emma's room but maya stopped her.
"Just give a bit more time baby."
Maya said pulling carina back.
"Fine but if she doesn't-."
Carina tried to say but was interrupted by the sound of Emma's door opening.

Emma came walking out fully dressed and ready for school. She joined carina and maya in the kitchen.
"Well good morning to you."
Carina said handing her a plate of French toast. The teen was in a mood and didn't respond. She avoided eye contact with maya and carina the whole time. She poked around her French toast taking small bites. Carina was offended because everyone likes her French toast.
"You know what Emma? You're gonna come visit me at the hospital after school today."
Carina said having something in mind to relieve her stress.
She asked finally looking up at the two adults.
"Because you need a change of scenery other than this apartment."
Carina said eating her own French toast.
"So watching sick people die all day is a better change of scenery right?
Emma commented with a snarky attitude.
"You're only looking at it in your perspective. It's more than that bella, it's healing people that are sick."
Carina then said. Emma still wasn't interested.
"Just come by after school and if you don't like it then you can come home."
Carina tried to convince her. Emma knew she was acting like a bitch so she agreed.
"Alright fine."
Emma replied. They all finished eating and left.

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