Chapter 42

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Later that night at 12:00

Danielle and Emma took a little nap then Danielle helped Emma shower. Emma was a little thirsty so she went out to the kitchen with Danielle to get something to drink. As Emma was pouring the drink Danielle came behind her and hugged her. She kissed her shoulder.

"You're such a pretty girl."
Danielle whispered.

Emma chuckled.
"You're pretty too."
Emma complimented her. Emma covered back the bottle of juice.

"I just wanna stay here forever."
Danielle said as she hugged on to her.

"Me too."
Emma said as she turned her head to get a kiss from Danielle. After Emma got her kiss she started drinking her juice. After a few seconds they heard carina come out her room.

"Sorry mama, did we wake you?"
Emma apologized not knowing if they woke her up. Carina joined them in the kitchen.

"No bella, you guys didn't wake me up."
Carina said.
"What are you guys doing up?"
She asked.

"I got thirsty."
Emma said as she started back drinking the juice.

"I'm guessing Danielle comes as an attachment?"
Carina asked seeing Danielle hugging her. Emma giggled.

"Just pretend that she isn't there."
Emma said.

"Alright I'm gonna try to fall asleep."
Carina sighed as she turned to walk back to her room.

"Why can't you sleep?"
Emma asked.

"I mean you should think I'm used to it but it's hard to sleep without some else in my bed with me."
Carina said.

"When is mom supposed to come home?"
Emma asked.

"She should be home in an hour."
Carina answered.

"If you don't mind, I can come sleep with you if you'd like."
Emma offered.

"Really? You don't have to do that bella."
Carina said.

"I'll do anything for you mama."
Emma said. Carina smiled and went in to her room.


Emma went to get her phone and pillow and joined carina.

"Hey mama."
Emma said as she closed the door behind her.

She responded. Emma crawled in to bed with her. Carina was just staring at her phone.

"You okay?"
Emma asked as she got under the blanket.

"Si, just waiting to get a text from her. She usually texts if she's gonna be home later than usual."
Carina said.

"Mama she's fine. Stop worrying."
Emma said taking her phone from her and placing it on the night stand.
Carina sighed. Emma put her phone down too and then she cuddled up to carina.

"Mama you still haven't gotten me your body wash. I'm mad at you."
Emma said making carina giggle.

"Sorry em. I just haven't had time to get it for you but feel free to use mine for now."
Carina apologized.

"Okay I'm gonna use your shower from now on. Your room smells so good too. I think I'm gonna start sleeping and showering in here more often."
Emma said loving how comfy the bed was.

"You are more than welcome to."
Carina said kissing the top of her head.

"I think I should get a job or something so I can get more things for my room. It's pretty blah in there."
Emma said.

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