Chapter 36

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The next morning.

Emma woke up with Danielle hugging her from behind. She turned to look behind her to see if Danielle was still sleeping and she was. Emma missed this, waking up next to her. Emma turned around slowly so she could cuddle up to her. She tried her best not to wake her up but she was unsuccessful. Danielle slowly opened her eyes.

Danielle said shyly with a deep morning voice. Emma put her hand on Danielle's cheek.

Emma replied with a smile. Danielle cuddled up to her more trying to get her as close as possible.

"I don't think we can get any closer."
Emma said feeling Danielle pull her in.

"I'm not close enough."
Danielle groaned.

"Baby if you pull me any closer I think I'll choke to death."
Emma said.

Danielle groaned again because she didn't feel close enough. Danielle raised Emma's shirt up and went underneath it.

"Okay that's better."
Danielle said liking the skin to skin contact.

"You're stretching my shirt out."
Emma said.

"I'll buy you a new one. Just let me be."
Danielle said.

"Alright but we need to get breakfast and get ready for our game soon."
Emma warned not wanting to be late else their coach will give them extra laps.

"What time is it?"
Danielle asked because she had to head home to get her gear first.

"It's eight right now and the game it at twelve."
Emma said.

"We have four hours still."
Danielle said.

"I know but the time is going to fly by."
Emma said.

"Okie give me an hour and then we'll get up."
Danielle said snuggling up to her bare chest.

"Just an hour."
Emma warned. Danielle nodded.

"Ahhh boobies. I like boobies."
Danielle said in a baby voice as she gave Emma boob kisses. Emma laughed slightly.

"That tickles."
Emma flinched the more Danielle kissed her with her cold lips.

"I missed your boobies."
Danielle said using them as a pillow.

"You miss my boobies and not me?"
Emma asked.

"I miss you too, I just missed your boobies more."
Danielle said jokingly.

"Can I at least get kisses?"
Emma asked.

Danielle said giving her boobies more kisses.

"Nooo I want kisses on my lips."
Emma whined. Danielle took her heard out of Emma's shirt and hovered above her lips.

"Do you remember last night?"
Danielle asked.

"Some of it, yes."
Emma said.

"You tried to make out with me in front of maya and carina."
Danielle laughed.

"Yep I remember that."
Emma said embarrassed.
"Tell me what else I did that was embarrassing."
Emma said wanting to know if she'll be in trouble or something.

"If I hadn't stop you last night, you would've been naked in the streets."
Danielle said.

Emma said.

"Yep, you told me that you were coming to me but I called carina to stop you from leaving."
Danielle said.

"Okay so I didn't go outside right?"
Emma asked.

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