Chapter 44

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Friday afternoon. After a very long flight they finally landed and were at a hotel.

"Here is your key and here's a key for our room if you guys need anything."
Maya handed Emma the key while they walked to their hotel rooms.maya had an extra key for the teens that she was going to keep on her if they ever lost there's.

"We're right next to you guys if you need us for anything."
Maya said. Emma and Danielle just nodded as they entered in to the room. Everyone was so exhausted from the long flight so the first thing they all did was take a nap.


After three hours later it was now eight pm. Emma and Danielle were out on the balcony admiring the view. Emma leaned on the balcony to look down.

"There's a pool babe."
Emma said excitedly. Danielle got up from her seat to look down as well.

"Oh, I didn't even realize."
Danielle chuckled seeing almost no one at the pool. Emma turned to her with a grin.

Danielle responded knowing that she wanted to go swimming.

"I didn't even ask anything."
Emma defended.

"It's 8:30 em, and you wanna go swimming?"
Danielle asked looking at the time on her phone.

Emma begged with a pout.

"No baby."
Danielle answered. Emma pulled Danielle's hand.

"Come on."
She said trying to pulling her in to the room. Danielle strongly held her stance pulling her hand back from emma but Emma still held a grip.

Danielle replied.

Emma said pulling her hand once more.

"Can you wait til tomorrow?"
Danielle asked. Danielle loved Emma's childish side, she would usually give her anything she wants but she didn't want to go.

"Noooo. Now."
Emma said pulling her harder this time.

"We'll go tomorrow baby. It's too late now but I promise you that we'll go tomorrow."
Danielle said pulling Emma in to a hug. Danielle got a good idea. She had many promises for Emma and she remembered one at the perfect time. Emma pushed away from the hug because she really wanted to go down to the pool.

"But I wanna go now."
Emma whined.

"I know..... tomorrow we'll definitely go."
Danielle said knowing that Emma was a bit disappointed. Emma nodded as she went back in to hug her.


The next morning. Emma was already awake getting ready for the day when Danielle was still settled on the bed still asleep. Emma started making tiktoks in the bathroom. Danielle woke up from the count down of the tiktok.
Danielle got up from the bed checking the time on her phone. It read 9a.m. She groaned as she walked over to the bathroom to see what emma was doing. She leaned in the doorway watching Emma in her bathing suit dancing to the tiktok sound. Emma didn't even realize that she was standing behind her. As she finished the dance, she picked her phone up to watch the final result.
She then immediately turned around because she saw Danielle in the background of the tiktok. She was a little embarrassed because she wasn't the type of person to make a tiktok.

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