Chapter 15

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*nudity warning*

24th December

Danielle was released from the hospital. She was staying at Emma's because they recommended to have someone with her at all times. They didn't talk to maya as yet but they were planning to. Everyone was in the living room drinking hot chocolate. Maya and carina were cuddled up on a couch while the other two teens were doing the same thing.

"It's our perfect chance em."
Danielle said because Emma was looking for the best opportunity to talk to maya.
Emma asked trying to stall.
"Yes. It's either you talk to her first or I'll just shout it out, choose wisely."
Danielle said.
"Okay okay I'll do it."
Emma said as she sat up on the couch and so did Danielle. Emma opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Danielle spoke for her.
"Uhh maya?"
Danielle asked trying to get her attention because she was busy talking to carina.
Maya asked seeing the two girls being serious. She sat up making carina curious so she sat up as well.
"We have to tell you something. More like emma."
Danielle said so emma would speak up because it's her right to talk about it.
"Oh god what did y'all do?"
Maya asked knowing they weren't really the type to get in trouble.
"We didn't do anything bad. This is something good, well I think so."
Emma said fiddling with Danielle's fingers trying to hold her hand. Danielle saw that she needed some support so she held her hand. She brought it up to her mouth and kissed it giving emma the confidence to talk.
"Alright? What is it?"
Maya asked.
"Uh um..... do you remember when we talked about like ummm sex and stuff?"
Emma asked nervously as her she bounced her leg up and down.
"Yes.... I do."
Maya replied.
"You talked to maya about sex? I'm am offended that you didn't come to me."
Carina said acting hurt. Emma let out a nervous laugh.
"Go on em."
Danielle said.
"And one of the things we talked about were me not being ready?"
Emma added. Maya knew what she was getting at but she wanted Emma to talk with her.
"Uh huh? Continue."
Maya said leaning forward resting her elbows on her knees for support.
Emma said turning to the side to look at Danielle.
"I think I'm ready."
Emma said as Danielle gave her a smile.
"Okay..... first things first."
Maya said getting everyone's attention.
"Are you sure you are ready?"
Maya asked.
"Yes I am very sure."
Emma answered.
"Danielle are you ready? Because it's not just about Emma."
Maya then asked because it takes two.
Danielle answered confidently.
"I'm assuming you had sex before Danielle? I mean with a girl."
Maya asked.
Danielle answered nervously.
"So you know what you're doing?"
Maya said.
Danielle answered.
"Wrong answer."
Maya then said making carina confused.
"This isn't a quiz show Maya."
Carina stated.
"Shush..... what I mean is that just because you've had sex before doesn't mean you know what you're doing. You have an idea of what you're doing but everyone is different."
Maya said. Danielle got so scared when she said 'wrong answer', she felt like she was in trouble because she didn't answer right.
"Yes I agree."
Danielle said getting a better grip on Emma's hand. Emma was nervous for Danielle.
"Like I was saying, everyone is different so that means not everything feels good to what another person might like. For instance let's say you went down on Emma right now an-."
Maya was trying to explain her point.
"Hold on! Why did it get to this? We don't need examples.....Please stop talking about her going down on me."
Emma begged as she cringed at those words coming out mayas mouth.

Carina was laughing in the background at how embarrassed Emma was. Danielle wasn't feeling any type of discomfort or embarrassment because she was interested in mayas advice.
"Wait let her continue I wanna hear this."
Danielle said.

"Okay back to the EXAMPLE."
Maya said exaggerated with a chuckle.
"So you're going down on Emma and you do a move one of your ex's liked. Emma may not tell you she doesn't like it because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings so this is why communication is key. You take your time Danielle and explore the things emma likes and emma be truthful and tell her what feels good to you."
Maya finished the explanation on why she answered the question wrong.
"I understand. Find the things she likes."
Danielle noted in her brain. Maya nodded.

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