Chapter 19

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"Do you think they're done as yet?"
Maya asked carina as they walked up and down a street.
"I have no idea."
Carina replied.
"It's getting pretty late so we have to head up soon."
Maya said.
"Let's give them five minutes then we'll head up."
Carina said.

Ten minutes later

"I hope we don't interrupt anything."
Maya said as they were at the front door.
"I hope so too."
Carina said. Maya unlocked the door and slowly opened it. She walked in to all the lights off but candle light coming from the living room. They walked in and turned the corner to see if they were still up. She found the two teens completely naked under a blanket peacefully asleep. Their feet were tangled as their bodies were also tangled together. Maya went over to them and picked up the wine glasses and everything else.

"Help me blow these out."
Maya whispered to carina. They blew the candles out one by one and turned off the fireplace. She put all their clothes that were around the room in the laundry.
"Do you think it went good?"
Carina asked Maya as they headed to their room.
"I mean it looks like it did."
Maya replied as they got undressed.
"I guess we'll find out tomorrow."
Carina said as they both got ready for bed. They went to sleep that night.

The next day           26 December

Emma woke up and looked over at her girlfriend who was sleeping. She started tracing patterns with her finger on her arm. The coldness of Emma woke Danielle up.

"Hey beautiful."
Danielle said with a raspy voice.
"Morning sunshine."
Emma replied giving her a quick kiss.
Danielle looked down noticing the room was cleaned up.
"Shit! We forgot to tell Maya and carina to come back."
Danielle said sitting up quickly.
"Don't worry we're right here."
Maya said from the kitchen. Danielle relaxed a bit k owing that they made it home but then realized they were both naked under the blanket. Their clothes were gone and it was only one blanket so they couldn't get up.

"Hey maya?"
Emma asked.
Maya answered taking two cups over to them filled with tea.
"Can you uhhh get me a blanket or something?"
Emma asked. Maya handed them the cups.
Maya went in to their bedroom and got the blanket. She threw it at them.
"Oh my god maya you almost spilt the tea."
Emma said.
"Oh sorry."
Maya wasn't thinking with that one.
She walked back over to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"I'm gonna go shower, wanna join me?"
Emma asked. Danielle wasn't feeling to shower as yet.
"I'll sit this one out but next time I definitely will."
Danielle respond.
"Alright, love you."
Emma said giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Love you too."
Danielle responded as she saw Emma wrap herself on to the other blanket and go over to her room. Danielle wrapped herself in the blanket and sat up to drink the tea. Carina walked out a few minutes after.

"Bambina how was it."
Carina asked As she walked over to the couch and sat down. Danielle didn't know what to say, should she tell carina that it was terrible?
"Uhhh it was good....yeah."
Danielle responded. Carina always knew when someone was lying.
"Wanna tell me what happened?"
Carina asked.
"I'm really tired right now so maybe later?"
Danielle said taking the last few sips of the tea.
"Sure, you can talk to me anytime."
Carina said.

Later that day around 2pm

Danielle was in the living room stressed about what to say or do.
Emma went on and on about how good it was all day while Danielle barely said anything when they asked her about it.
She had her hand on her forehead as she was thinking. Carina saw her and went over to her.
"Danielle tell me what's wrong."
Carina said as she sat down next to her. Danielle needed to talk to someone but she didn't know who.
She turned to face carina as she took a deep breath.
"Can we go in to your room? I don't want Emma to hear me."
Danielle asked.
"Yeah let's go."
Carina said getting up from the couch and walked over to her room with Danielle behind her.

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