chapter 26

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"oh Finally my bed."
Emma said flopping down on to the couch in the living room.

"You're not quite there yet."
Danielle said dropping all theirs bags on the floor.

"I think here's fine."
Emma said just wanting to go to sleep after that long drive.

"Come on, you're room is like ten steps away."
Danielle said.

"You can sleep there while I sleep here."
Emma said as she groaned.

"Em we're not that far from your room.'
Danielle said.

"Just get up so we can finally go to sleep."
Danielle begged.

"You're so lazy, oh my god."
Maya said as she brought in the other bags.

"I dont see a problem with me sleeping on the couch."
Emma said.

"You know your neck will hurt when you wake up."
Danielle said knowing her body always ached whenever she slept on the couch.

"Im sleeping here."
Emma said because she was way to tired to get up.

"You are more than welcome to join me."
Emma added.

Danielle groaned because she wanted to sleep with emma but not on the couch.

"fine i'll carry you then."
Danielle said. Emma didnt care where she slept so it didn't matter if Dan carried or not. Emma spreaded out like a starfish waiting to be picked up by her girlfriend. Danielle loved how dramatic Emma can be sometimes. She thought it was the cutest thing Emma has done, well it all depends on the situation. Danielle picked her girlfriend up mean while Emma acted like she was dead, lifeless. Danielle carried her to her room and threw her on to the bed. Emma immediately scurried under all their blankets like an ant getting shelter from the rain.

"Im going to get the rest of bags."Danielle said.

"No. Maya and Carina can handle it."
Emma said.

"You've had a long day today, just come and rest." Emma said knowing that Maya making Danielle drive probably tired her out because of all the stress.

"Okay I guess you're right." Danielle said as she crawled in to bed with her girlfriend. They cuddled up and in a matter of moments they were knocked right out to sleep.


The next day which was Danielle's birthday. it was the 31st of December. Emma had Danielle's gift ready and she was so excited to give it to her. Its something Danielle has been wanting since she was younger but her parents didn't really care. Yes, she could've gotten it herself but she was temporary living with Maya and Carina and she thought it wasn't a good idea. Although Emma didn't even ask Maya and Carina if it was okay but she told herself its better to ask for forgiveness instead of permission.

"happy birthday love." Emma said as she shook Danielle's shoulder to wake her up from her sleep. She knew this was going to be a difficult task so she decided to wake her up with her present that she got her. This might seem like a dirty thing but it's just your dirty mind.

"Wake up babyyyy." Emma begged at first before she brought out her secret weapon. She got a groan in response from the grumpy teen.

"Alright, have it your way." Emma said getting off the bed. This was early in the morning so Maya and Carina weren't up as yet. Emma opened the bedroom door letting in a baby monster. The monster jumped on to the bed and started licking Danielle's face, leaving her slimy thick saliva all over her face. Emma laughed hysterically as she watched the animal roam around the bed investigating this new human it found. Daniella sat up and wiped her eyes making sure she was seeing correctly.

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