Chapter 23

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They spent three hours fishing and Nobody caught anything.

"Well guys I guess we're gonna starve."
Maya joked.
"Worst three hours of my life."
Andy groaned.
"So you're telling me nobody brought food?"
Vic asked.
"I'm just joking guys, I brought hamburgers and hotdogs."
Maya then said.
"I would say you're a life saver but you did put us in this situation."
Vic said patting Maya on the shoulder. Maya laughed because she knew Vic was absolutely right.
"Well let's get cooking!"
Maya said as she went to get the food.

Everyone was by the campfire.
Maya threw the bag of marshmallows at Danielle.
"Hand it out."
Maya instructed. Danielle nodded as she gave everyone a marshmallow.
"Okay no competition this time. You can have fun now."
Maya said as she sat down next to carina. Everyone cheered because mayas been working them out since this morning. Emma struggled to put the marshmallow on the stick.

"Need some help there?"
Danielle asked.
"I think I'm capable of putting a marshmallow on a stick."
Emma said knowing she was having a hard time doing it. She wanted the marshmallow to be perfectly on the stick.
"Hmm okay."
Danielle said. Danielle watched her struggle for a few more seconds.
"Just give it to me."
Danielle said holding her hand out.
Emma said wanting to do it herself.
It was painful to watch Emma struggle.
Danielle said. Emma turned to her and looked at her. She looked back down at the marshmallow and stick.
"Let me help you."
Danielle said seeing her hesitate to give it to her.
Emma said handing her the stick and marshmallow. Took her a second to put it on the stick.
"There, that wasn't that hard now was it?"
Danielle said as she handed it back to her.
"Thank you."
F yt Emma mumbled.
"Your welcome love."
Danielle replied as she pulled Emma towards her. Emma cuddled in to her side as they roasted the marshmallows together. Danielle's marshmallow was perfectly roasted as Emma's was burnt. Danielle put hers in to the cracker and put the chocolate as well. Emma looked down at her marshmallow in disappointment.

"Here you can have mine."
Danielle said as she held out the s'more she made.
Emma pushed her hand away not wanting Danielle to do everything for her. Danielle didn't know why Emma was being so stubborn today.
"Will you let me fix it?"
Danielle asked.
"How can you fix this?"
Emma said pointing at the charred crust.
"Let me show you."
Danielle said as Emma handed it to her. Danielle put it back on to the fire for a quick second and pulled it out. She pulled the burnt part off, it slid right off making the fluffy marshmallow ooze on the inside. Emma held out the cracker and Danielle put it in.
"See? It was dark and burnt on the outside while the inside was warm and fluffy."
Danielle said as Emma took a bit of it.
Emma hummed as she tasted the goodness. The melted chocolate oozed out on to Emma's face.

"Em there's chocolate right here."
Maya said point to where it was. Emma tried to take it off but she wasn't completely successful. Danielle licked her thumb and wiped it for her.
Danielle wanted to have some fun so she got the chocolate that was dripping from her s'more and smeared it all over em's face. Emma had her mouth open in shock.

"What the fuck."
Emma said while Danielle laughed her ass off.
"Language please bella."
Carina said. Emma put her hand up to her face and gathered a scoop in her hand. She then attacked Danielle getting it everywhere when she was only trying to get it on her face. Danielle was giggling the whole time because she expected Emma to attack her.
"Guys come on! Stop acting like children."
Maya said seeing Emma on top of Danielle smearing the chocolate on her face. The two teen ignored her and kept playing like they were six years old. Laughs filled the air because of all the fun the two girls were having. Emma got up from the bench.

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