Chapter 8

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Danielle didn't know what to do. She gulped because she was slightly scared. She started to walk over to them.

"Can I uhhh can I use your bathroom."
Danielle asked trying to keep as far away from them as possible so they can't smell her.
"Sure hun."
Carina responded while Maya looked like she wanted to beat Danielle up.
Danielle walked passed them and went in to their bathroom.

"Maya clam down."
Carina said seeing the steam come off her face.
"Why should I? She told me when she was ready to have sex she would tell me."
Maya said.
"Baby she didn't have sex."
Carina said because she knew Danielle just ate Emma out.
Maya was confused.
"Yes they did."
Maya denied.
"Danielle went down on her bella, they didn't have sex."
Carina explained. Maya calmed down a bit.
"How do you know?"
Maya asked.
"Because I know Emma and I know she wouldn't have sex while we're still here."
Carina explained. Danielle came back out to the living room with her face wet proving carina was right.

Danielle cleared her throat a she walked closer.
"I take it that you're not gonna let me back in to her room?"
Danielle asked maya. Maya sighed.
"You're right."
Maya answered with a fake smile on her face. Carina shook her head.
Danielle wiped her face on to her shirt to wipe the water off. Danielle didn't know how to respond so she just stood there.
"This is the awkwardest position I've been in."
Danielle commented.
"I bet."
Maya answered deciding she wanted to know more about Danielle and her past. Even thought she likes her.
"So Danielle tell me something I don't know."
Maya said.
"Like what."
Danielle asked not knowing exactly what Maya wanted to talk about.
"Like your last relationship and why it ended."
Maya said like she was ready to answer. Danielle bit the inside of her cheek nervously.
Carina warned.
"No no I would like to hear this."
Maya said. After a few seconds Danielle started talking.
"Her name was Katherine. We were together for a month until I found out she was using me."
Danielle explained.
"Using you for sex?"
Maya asked.
"No I- it's not sex. If I tell you this you can't tell em okay?"
Danielle warned because she really didn't want Emma to know.
Maya answered.
"So basically my family is really rich. Like I'm talking about own an island rich. That's why I don't tell people I'm rich anymore."
Danielle explained.
"Oh okay sorry to hear about her using you but what about your other relationships?"
Maya asked.
"I've had two other relationships. The first one was when I was figuring things out. It was a guy named William. I always knew I liked girls but I never knew for sure so the first time will and I had sex I definitely knew. I told him and he was an asshole about it."
Danielle said.
"And the other one?"
Maya asked.
"Name was georgia. I actually cheated on her."
Danielle said. Maya didn't let her explain the story.
"Your funny if you think I'm gonna let you date my sister now."
Maya said.
"Wait let her explain I always wondered why people cheat."
Carina said.
"You have a minute to explain before I kick you out."
Maya warned.
"Please don't tell Emma that I cheated."
Danielle begged not knowing Emma was listening to their conversation.
"Explain first."
Maya said.
"She treated me like absolute shit but I still stayed with her because I loved her. So I went to a party with her and she went off to who knows where. While I was waiting for her to come back this girl came on to me and of course I rejected her. I looked for Georgia all over and couldn't find her. I went outside and I saw her fucking a guy in the pool absolutely naked so I just went up to girl that was coming on to me earlier and made out with her in front of everyone."
Danielle said avoiding eye contact.

"So basically she cheated first?"
Emma said walking out her room.
Danielle said under her breath.
"How much of that did you hear?"
Danielle asked walking towards her.
"Don't come any closer Danielle and just answer my question."
Emma said.
"Yes she cheated on me first."
Danielle didn't hesitate to tell her.
Emma looked over at maya and carina.
"Im not lying."
Danielle said.
"I never said you were lying."
Emma replied.
"I know but I can see it in your eyes."
Danielle responded mad at herself for even saying anything.
"Tell me why I think you're lying then."
Emma said having a gut feeling she was leaving something out.
"Im not hiding anything from you em just trust me."
Danielle begged. Danielle never lied in her story but she was still hiding that she was rich.
"Nope I know for sure you're lying right now. I can just tell."
Emma stated. Danielle looked back at maya and carina not wanting to tell her.
"Okay fine I'm hiding something but I can't tell you."
Danielle confessed that she was lying.
"It's not that I don't trust you but you can't tell me you're hiding something from me and expect me not to be worried."
Emma said. Danielle knew she was right.
"Well em I don't know what to say anymore."
Danielle admitted wanting to keep her wealth away from emma.
"Until you could tell me what you're hiding from me, I'm sorry but I can't trust you."
Emma said. She walked in to her room and closed the door behind her.
"Wait em!"
Danielle said trying to open her door but she locked it.
"Em please open the door."
Danielle practically begged.
"Go away Danielle."
Emma responded. Danielle held on to the door trying to control her temper.
"I'm not going anywhere. I'll sit right here and wait for you to open this door. You have to come out sooner or later."
Danielle said knowing she needed food sometime.
"I could stay here as long as I want I have a bathroom and a bed."
Emma replied. Maya and carina watched the couple fight from a distance.
"You'll need to come out to eat."
Danielle said confidently.
"Nope. My food is here and it's still warm."
Emma said. Danielle didn't know what else she'll need to come outside her room for. She looked over at maya.
"I know one thing you'll need to come out your room for."
Danielle said making Emma's mind wonder.
Emma asked.
"My lips."
Danielle said knowing Emma couldn't last one day without them.
"What could I possibly need your lips for?"
Emma asked.
"For kisses...... and other things."
Danielle said with a smirk.
"I'm sure I won't need you plus I have my gift from carina."
Emma said making maya confused.
"Well that hurts....."
Danielle said making her doubt herself.

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