Chapter 40

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Chapter 40!!!!! Let's goooooo

"I see that you didn't kill each other."
Maya said joining them.

Emma answered as she got a glass cup out to pour some water in.

"Everything is fine now."
Danielle said.

"Good to hear."
Maya commented. Carina came out her room.

"Bella have you seen the-."
Catina was cut off by the sound of glass shattering. Everyone looked over at Emma.

"Mama I'm so sorry I didn't-."
Emma got cut of by carina as she stooped down to pick up the broken glass panicking.

"Bambina it's okay just don't touch the glass."
Carina said going around to the other side of the counter. Danielle was right next to Emma.

"Look out for the glass."
Maya said because they had socks on. Danielle put her two hands under Emma's arm pits and lifted her up to put her on the counter so she wouldn't get any splinters in her feet. Danielle pulled herself up on to the counter as well and the both of them got off on the other side.

"You alright?"
Danielle asked as she looked for any cuts on her legs.

"I'm fine but are you okay?"
Emma asked. Danielle looked down at her foot noticing that it was bleeding. The sock was soaking up the blood.

"I'm okay, it's just a little bleeding."
Danielle said.

"Baby you're bleeding a lot."
Emma said seeing the blood rush out fast. Hopped back on to the counter while carina and maya cleaned up the glass.

"Go get me some tissue."
Danielle said seeing all the blood on the other side of her foot. Emma got some paper towels for her.

"Bella let me take a look."
Carina said leaving maya to clean up the mess. She sat down in front of Danielle. She slowly took off the sock making Danielle wince. The blood started dripping on to the floor. It was a good chunk of glass but wasn't too big.

"You want me to take it out?"
Carina asked. Danielle nodded.
"This is going to hurt."
She warned. She pulled out the glass slowly. After she got it out she put the paper towel to the cut to soak up all the blood.

"Hold this here while I go get some bandages."
Carina instructed. Danielle held the tissue in place as carina went in to her room to get the bandages.

Emma said.

"It's okay bub."
Danielle said. Emma pulled Danielle's neck down and kissed her.

"That's my apology."
Emma said with a giggle. Danielle smiled at her. Carina came out with the bandages and a wet cloth.
She sat down and wiped the blood off with the cloth first. She then wrapped the bandage over it a couple times.

"You're good to go bella. Just don't put too much pressure on it."
Carina said.

Danielle replied as she got off of the counter.

"Are you sure you're okay?"
Emma asked.

"Baby I'm good. Now stop asking because my answer isn't going to change my love."
Danielle said kissing the top of her head.

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