Chapter 38

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Emma used maya and carinas bathroom while Danielle used hers.

"Hey mama? your body wash smells so good. Can you get me some?"
Emma asked as she came out their room.

"You used my body wash?"
Carina asked with a laugh.

"Sorry, I didn't know that you didn't want me use it."
Emma apologized as she joined both of them in the living room.

"No bella, it's completely fine. I just thought you would've used mayas body wash."
Carina said as she opened her hands for Emma to join her. Emma collapsed on to the couch, snuggling up to her.

"Moms body wash has a hint of a manly scent."
Emma said. Carina laughed while Maya was on the other couch.

"You don't like how I smell?"
Maya asked. Danielle walked out the room.

"No no, I definitely love the scent but I don't like it on me."
Emma said.

"What scent?"
Danielle asked as she entered the living room with her body wash scent following her.

"That scent."
Emma said.

Danielle asked confused.

"We're talking about body wash scents bambina."
Carina filled her in.

"What body wash do you use Danielle? It's so strong."
Maya asked.

"It's old spice."
Danielle answered.
"It lasts for a long time."
Danielle said as she went over to maya and laid with her.

"It sure damn smells good."
Emma commented.

"I hope so."
Danielle said.

"Can we switch? I wanna be with mom. No offense mama."
Emma said as she turned around. Danielle wasn't as close with carina as she was with maya.

"But I love maya."
Danielle whined.

Emma hummed in an angry way as she folded her arms and turned towards carina.

"Yeah you stay over there while the cool kids hang out over here."
Danielle said hugging up to maya.

"Don't worry mama. We are way cooler than those lame people over there."
Emma said.

"Are you guys really fighting over us?"
Maya asked.

Danielle said.

"Mama is better anyways."
Emma said.

"You're just jealous that Maya loves me more HA HA."
Danielle boasted.

"At least mama knows how to cook."
Emma roasted Maya. Mayas mouth dropped open in shock.

"That's okay because I can cook. I can always teach Maya."
Danielle defended her team. Emma just groaned. The room was silent for a few minutes. Danielle got her phone out and sent Emma a tiktok that she had in her camera role for ages. She was waiting for the right time to send her it. The tiktok said, 'I know we haven't talked in three minutes but I miss you 😘'.

Emma: switch places with me then😠

Danielle: not a chance but I still love you🤗
Danielle let out a giggle as maya looked at Danielle's phone.

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