Volume 5: Prologue

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I still wonder. Was I meant to be alive? Why was I here? And why do I feel this way. That...thing, he isn't supposed to make me feel that way.

What changed? What made me this way? Who trapped me here?! I will find my way out of this hellhole. I will finally end it all! If I must destroy this entire world to leave it, then so be it...

Y/N climbs out of a pile of Grimm bodies. He dusts his himself off as he walks over to a ledge. He looks down as he sees lifeforms down in the canal.

They were wearing masks with white and grey overalls. They patrolled the area as they carried around weapons. They walked over to a nearby crevice as they started to enter.

"A world born in darkness, will end in darkness..."(Y/N)

Y/N jumps down as the screen goes to black.
"Get over here!"
Salem walks through the red castle as she approaches a room. She opens it as she then sees Tyrian laying on the ground with a tear-stained face.

She approaches the ailing man as she looks down at him.

"So, tell me more about this...person,"(Salem)

Outside the room, Cinder watches on before she could not bare it any longer. She walks away quickly as she walks past Emerald and Mercury in the hallway.

They look on as Emerald's eyes fill with worry while Mercury has neutral eyes. Watts walks past them soon after as he scoffs.

Emerald shows a frown with Mercury even biting his lip.
Qrow sits in an empty bar as he drinks from his glass. He then hears footsteps behind him.

"E-excuse me,"(Boy)

He turns around to see a boy in dirty white clothing with bandages around his neck.

"Yknow I don't think they allow young boys like you in here pipsqueak,"(Qrow)

He then looks down before making a frown.

"Shut up I'm getting there,"(Boy)

He then looks up again as Qrow narrows his eyes.

"Uhm, I'm supposed to tell you that, I'd like my cane back?"(Boy)

Qrow widens his eyes as he then nods repeatedly. He gets up from the chair as the boy steps back a little. He then widens his eyes as Qrow holds onto something.

"Hm, it's good to see you again Oz,"(Qrow)

He then tosses the cane over to the boy who catches as he accidentally activates it.


Qrow then turns around as he sits back down on the chair before taking another sip.

"We got a lot to talk about,"(Qrow)

Male gamer reader x RWBY HAREM(Rwby fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now