Chapter 4

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The sun shone through the window as the light lays on Charlotte's skin waking her up slowly.

Agh what time is it? Did I doze off, I don't know.

Whats that sound?

Charlotte takes a peek out the window, a royal carriage?

I swear if it's that indecent womanising Prince I'm actually gonna run.

Charlotte hurries and dresses up in a pale pink knee length dress with cute pink earrings. She goes down stairs to see what the commotion was about.

She stares in horror, it's the Prince.

Ah, well here goes.

Charlotte turns her gaze from the prince and sprints towards the exit, she was quite a skilled runner and grabbed her shoes while she was at it. The prince ordered the guards to chase her down. Charlotte turned back to see how the guards were going after her and started to sprint with more momentum and swiftness.

Charlotte reached the capital and she quickly rushed towards the huge crowd. The guards lost track of her in the sea of people and returned back to inform the prince.

Charlotte was relieved and since she sneakily snuck some money in her little pocket pouch, she didn't know what she would do once she was caught but didn't think too much about it.

She saw a cotton candy stall and went towards it, a boy around her age with dark brown hair and green eyes was also at the stall. She couldn't care less though.

They both made eye contact, she felt a familiar presence from him but didn't really care since she just wanted cotton candy, after buying the cotton candy she ran off. The boy got caught off guard but then also paid for the cotton candy.

Charlotte realised a festival was being held at the capital as it was a national celebration day for them.

Well isn't that nice.

She saw a parade coming in and saw many different beautiful carriages drive through the streets of the capital. It was truly a mesmerising sight.

After the parade was over, people scattered everywhere like wild animals. Charlotte smelled a very delicious scent and since she's weak to food she followed the sent like a chick following it's mother. It brought her to an alley and saw people with hoods.

Eh??? What's this?

She hid behind a crate while eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Number 1, do you have the supplies?"

"They have been prepared. We're just waiting for the commander."

What the fuck is going on?

Charlotte saw popcorn in one of the hooded human's hand.

So that's where the smell was coming from.

Charlotte paid no more attention to the scent, she just kept listening.

A strange man appeared out of nowhere made some kind of sign with his fingers and checked his surroundings. Charlotte made sure she was hidden with her divine powers.

"Commander, you have arrived."

"Please tell us the plan."

"I can't tell you all out in the open, people might be watching."

Charlotte turns on her invisibility as she followed the hooded men.

Why am I even doing this, if only I didn't get carried away. Ah well I've already gone this far.

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