Chapter 35- Healed

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Chapter 35- Healed

"Hey there, Misa-chan!" I stopped eating when I heard a familiar voice. I did not have to look to know who it was. I stood up immediately, not looking at them. I left even before I finished eating. I have been avoiding Seijuro ever since we lost the Winter Cup championship.
Actually, no. Seijuro avoided me. I really tried to reach out to him for weeks and he just.. he just ignored me. I don't even know why. I mean, if he's shocked and he doesn't want to speak to anyone then I guess it would be fine. But heck, he talks to others normally! Why not to me? So then, after several failed attempts and embarrassment, I figured I should stop. I won't lie, it annoyed me a bit too. If he didn't wanna talk to me, he could have just told me properly, you know? Instead of making up excuses just to avoid talking to me. It was so unfair.
If he needs space and time, sure. I can give him that. I think he's with Reo-nee as of the moment so it's better to just leave.
I heard my senpais calling my name continuously until I left the cafeteria with my head hung low. I sighed in relief when I was already outside.
"What's with the rush?"
My eyes widened because of the familiar voice. I took several steps backward with my right palm facing the person in front of me.
"Hey, don't do that!" I said, looking at Seijuro who's looking at me with confusion.
"Do what?" He asked innocently. I frowned. He thinks he can just ignore me for weeks and talk to me whenever he wants to? This is unbelievable.
I placed my hand on my hip and opened my mouth to tell him off. "You know what?" I started. He was just staring at me, patient for what I have to say. I suddenly felt conscious. What am I going to say? Do I even have anything to say? I opened my mouth to start again. "Nevermind," I said before running away quickly while hitting my head lightly. What did I just do?
My whole day went on like that. Seijuro kept on appearing before me and not to be assuming, but it felt like he wanted to strike up a conversation or something. I know that if this happened last week, I would have rejoiced but right now, I just didn't know how to react or respond to him.
I just don't think he can ignore and talk to me as he pleases. He doesn't get to do that. So evem though we still have practice after class, I decided to go straight home instead to avoid any further awkward encounters with him. I texted our coach that I'd go home early and won't be able to attend since I wasn't feeling very well--which is a lie, of course. And I know that's bad but I just really wanted to avoid any possible conversation with him.
I have been trying to avoid him all day and it exhausted the heck out of me!
Before going home, I decided to stop by a convenience store to buy myself some chocolates and milk. I think I kinda deserve to drown myself with these.
While walking home, my mind kept on replaying our last match with Seirin. We actually lost. It's not that I didn't have faith in Tetsu but we actually lost. Somehow, that's still hard to believe.
But I guess that's what makes Seirin special, huh? It's like their purpose in life is doing unbelievable and outrageous things. I laughed to myself because of that thought.
"Misaki," a familiar voice called, making me stop walking. In front of my apartment building is Akashi Seijuro, still in his school uniform while carrying a paperbag.
Okay, what?
Before I could even comprehend what was happening, I already invited him inside. Sometimes, I blame my dad for raising me that way.
"Would you like to go inside? It's cold out here," the words slipped my mouth before I could even stop myself. My eyes widened in shock after that and he mirrored my expression, only he was more subtle with it and he was quick to recover. He had a small smile on his face before nodding at me.
I quickly went inside with him following beside me. I have never heard such a deafening silence. This is actually weird, we have known each other for years and we still have awkward silences like this. Or maybe that's the point? There's too much history between the both of us--most of them unsorted, that's why we keep having this kind of moment?
I opened the door and went inside, allowing him to follow me. When I heard him close the door, I tried to face him without looking at his eyes.
"Um, I think I'll just--uh, change first," I stuttered. His brow raised in amusement.
"You think?" He asked. I didn't respond to that because he was obviously just teasing me and I didn't want him to know I was affected by it.
"Make yourself at home," I said quickly before going inside my bedroom and locking the door. I took a deep breath and wiped my forehead.
I changed into comfortable clothes before going outside. He was in the living room, staring at the pictures displayed there. When he heard my door close, he turned immediately and handed me the paperbag making me blink.
I took it from him and looked inside. Oh.
"Coach mentioned you weren't feeling well and I just thought some chocolate and milk would make you feel better since it's what you always eat whenever you don't feel well," he explained. I bit my lip, feeling a slight pang in my chest. I nodded and mumbled a small thanks.
"So, what brought you here?" I asked, placing the paperbag down on the small table.
"I don't know," he answered. I tilted my head to the side. The confidence in his voice when he answered amazed me a bit. He doesn't know?
I frowned. "Okay, that's weird." He chuckled at what I said before sitting down on my couch.
"It is. Can I stay here still?" He asked, his voice going from light to serious. No. Absolutely not because what for?
"Uh, yeah. Sure. Would you like to watch any movies?" I asked before sitting on the opposite side of the couch. His eyes fell on the distance between us before looking back at me. "Or maybe you want anything to eat? I can prepare something, if you want," I offered, pointing at the kitchen. Okay, what is happening? I thought I should have told him he can't stay?
"No, I'm fine. I just feel tired," he said. I opened my mouth to reply but he close the distance between us by laying down and placing his head on my lap.
My face heated and my heart skipped a beat. I know I should say something. I know I should. But I kept silent and stared at his face. His eyes are currently closed and he has a ghost of smile on his lips. He released a heavy breath.
"Now, I'm finally resting," he said. "Can you..." he stopped. What? What did he want to say?
"Can I what?"
He shook his head as a reply. "Nevermind. It's too much for me to ask." I immediately understood what he wanted to say. I ran my hand through his hair and I felt him relax even more. He took my other free hand and brought it to his lips before placing a gentle kiss on it.
I didn't want to ruin this but I immediately told him, "Sei, you're confusing me again. Please stop playing with me."
His eyes flew open and a frown settled on his face. He sat up, placed his elbows on his knees while looking at me. "I'm not playing with you, Misaki."
"Then why did you..." I didn't want to ask. I'm afraid I would sound too petty or demanding.
He released a heavy sigh before lifting me up and placing me sideways on his lap. I didn't have time to protest because he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face on my neck.
I gulped. He has never been this clingy or showy before. This is actually new. I can hear my heart beating so loud and I'm pretty sure he hears it too. I bit my lip.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his face still on my neck.
"It's fine if you didn't want to talk then, Sei. My only concern is that you should have told me instead of--"
"For everything," he cut me off. Oh. Okay. I don't have anything to say to that. "I know I broke not only my promises but also your heart, and multiple times... And I won't ask for your forgiveness. I would like to ask for another chance instead to prove my love for you."
He pulled away slightly and stared at me straight in the eyes before tightening his hold on me. "Allow me to make you feel loved again, Misaki."
Tears started to well up in my eyes and instead of answering him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close before crying silently. We stayed silent for a few moments, just hugging each other.
Come to think of it, it was kind of my fault, huh? The promise I asked them to make... for them not to change. It was such a selfish request to make.
I guess I never really had anything for myself that's why when I had them with me, I wamted to keep them in my life constantly. Everything was going so well back then, I didn't want anything to change.
Even though it could mean hindering their growth or limit their choices, I asked them to stay the same. But no one ever stays the same, right? Not even me. None of us are capable of not changing. One way or another, we are all bound to change.
It was so wrong for me to expect that they would always adjust themselves just to fill the gap in my life. But whether I like it or not, we would all go our separate ways. Sure, we would still treasure each other but we can't deny that there will be parts within us that would change.
I didn't know what happened but when I opened my eyes, I was already inside my room and it was already dark outside. I might have fallen asleep earlier and Seijuro carried me here.
Speaking of Seijuro, he is currently sleeping beside me, looking peaceful more than ever. A small smile appeared on my lips. And somehow, today, I felt my heart lightened a lot. I know so many things happened already but with what happened earlier, it felt like everything was already fine. Now that he's here beside me, somehow I felt assured already.
I heard a beep so I searched for my phone and found it just on the table beside my bed so I reached out to it, careful not to wake Seijuro up.
I smiled widely in excitement upon reading the text message from Tetsu. He said that there was a scheduled getaway for the rest of Kiseki no Sedai this coming weekend and everyone was already sure to come.
Little by little, it felt like things were going a whole lot better than before.
My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Seijuro squirmed. I looked at him and saw him frowning, his eyes still closed. "No," he whispered under his breath. I inched closer to him, and held his cheek, feeling worried.
His eyes opened and I saw fear and regret in them before he realized I was in front of him. "Misaki," he breathed, wrapping an arm around me.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"I can't lose you again," he whispered, kissing the top of my head. I felt my heart soften. "I'd do everything to keep you this time."
I don't know how many times this man plan to make me cry today but I'm glad it's not because of something bad.
"You never lost me, Seijuro," I replied. "You never will."
His hold on me tightened even more as a response. I'm not very sure how we sorted everything out but when it comes to him... when it comes to him, it's always easier to just give in and follow my heart. I'm glad that even after everything, we can still work on it and try building it up again.
This was the kind of bond that we had. Something that can't be severed by a broken promise or even a broken heart. We don't heal each other from it but we heal better when we're together.






Hi! So this is probably the last chapter for this story hehe. An epilogue or maybe a few special chapters will also be posted right after.
Thank you for the support, minnaaa! Keep on shining!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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