Chapter 21- Horrid Memory

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Chapter 21- Horrid Memory

Two weeks. Two weeks to go before the Winter Cup. I'm nervous, of course, being the manager of Rakuzan. Rakuzan's known for defending their title as Winter Cup's champion for years now.

And I hope that even though our team is massively strong, Tetsuya's team will be stronger. By strength and by will.

"Misaki. Let's go," Seijuro called. Yes, I call him Seijuro now because he told me to. That night. The night of our reunion. Since then, many things have changed.

Dai-chan and I didn't have any communication since then. Satsu told me he was busy. And I kept wondering.. Busy with what?

However, that's not my business so I stayed out of it.

Then, since that night.. Seijuro and I became.. Closer. He picks me up every morning so we go to school together everyday. We eat lunch together. Goes to practice together. Goes home together. Eat dinner together.

We do almost everything together, it feels kind of weird.

It's not like I don't agree with that arrangement. In fact, I like it. I love it. Who am I to lie to myself, right? I mean.. Lying to yourself will just make things worse.

"Hey, you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled at Seijuro who is now looking at me with worry and curiousity.

"Yeah. Of course, I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" I responded, taking my bag from the seat before walking out of the classroom with Seijuro walking beside me.

"It doesn't seem like it. You were idling for minutes," he points out making me laugh.

"Idling? Seriously?" he chuckled at my response. "So, where to?" I ask.

"At our house."

"Oh! Dinner at your house, huh? Hmm. Well, is there any specific reason for you to bring me there for dinner?" I asked. I've been to his house many times, yes. But dinner in his house? Nope. He always takes me out into diners or fast foods.

"Dad will come home later. And he expects me to bring you there."

I almost choke on my own saliva. "W-what?"

"I'm pretty sure you heard it, Misaki," he says, raising a brow. He opened the limo's door so I slip in with him sitting beside me.

"Are you nuts?" I ask him. He smirks.

"No. But I'm serious. He is expecting you to be there later tonight."

"I may have to stop by my apartment to change some formal clothes." I say. Duh, I'm still a girl. And having dinner with two men from the Akashi clan is too much for me to handle. Why not relax for a bit?

"No. You can manage with that," he says, referring to my school uniform before pulling out his phone. I bit my lip as I stare out the window. I feel uneasy. I've been in school for hours. I'm sure I look like a mess right now.

"I still like the idea of you fixing yourself just because you're meeting my father though," Seijuro says out of the blue making me blush. I looked away so he won't see it. "Hiding won't help. I've already seen your face crimson red," he teased.

I slapped his arm playfully. "Stop it. It isn't funny," I scolded.

"It isn't? But it is," he replies playfully. I rolled my eyes before leaning back on my seat.

I pulled out my phone and saw that I got a message from Dai-chan. My brow raised automatically.

To: Misaki

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