Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Chapter 4- Kiseki no Sedai's Broken Promise

I blinked.

"What's your question?" I asked, trying not to sound so nervous. He smiled at me.

"C'mon, let's grab some milkshake first." he grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards Maji Burger.

Well, atleast I have free milkshake.


I looked away for the nth time and sipped my milkshake.

Seriously. This guy is making me uncomfortable with his stares. I can't take it anymore. I sighed.

"Are you going to ask? Or will you just keep on staring at me like there's no tomorrow?" I asked. He smiled sheepishly. Then he became serious. He was about to ask but I cut him off. "Ok, I take that back. Don't ask. Stare at me as long as you want," I interrupted.

"Eh? Misacchi?" he said, confused. I sighed in defeat before signalling him to continue. "Anyway, why did you.. Why did you leave the club before the National Tournament?" he asked.

He waited for my answer. Am I gonna tell him? Say that I left because of him? I left because all of them broke their promise but the main reason is him. I thought it's fine if I'll stay but it wasn't. So I left. I left even though it's killing me inside out. Then again, staying does just the same. Maybe even worse.

"Hmm. Because of Ryo-chan, Shin-chan, Dai-chan, Atsu-kun.. Because of Sei." I said, whispering the last part. I looked down. "Because Kiseki no Sedai broke their promise." I looked up at him and smiled painfully.

"What? I don't get it, Misacchi! What promise? We didn't break any promise!" he replied. I smiled at his face with confusion written all over it.

"See? You don't even remember," I replied with a smile plastered on my face. "It might seem.. small and nothing to you guys but to me? It meant a lot."

"I really don't get it, Misacchi! I can't remember any promises that will make you leave us like that!" he said exasperatedly. I sighed.

2nd year @ middle school

"Misacchiiii!" the moment I entered Teiko, I was crushed  by a hug. And I saw.. blonde hair.

"Kise! Akashi will be here in a few minutes!" Dai-chan warned while smirking. Satsu giggled behind him. Ryo-chan quickly let go of me.

"Ano, uh, Akashicchi! Ohayo!" Ryo-chan greeted the emperor who just came. He bowed his head. Hmm.

Sei took my hand and pulled me beside him.

"Let's go," he said. We quickly followed him.

"Where's Shin-chan? And Atsu-kun?" I asked.

"Don't know. Don't care. *yawn*" Satsu smacked Dai-chan at the back of his head.

"Let's go! We're going somewhere else!" Satsu ordered.

"Huh? I'll just---" Without letting Dai-chan finish his sentence, Satsu quickly dragged him away.

"I saw Murasakibaracchi at the nearest pastry shop! He's buying some cake!" Ryo-chan replied cheerfully.

"A cake? For what?"

"For----" I felt a terrifying aura beside me. I glanced at my emperor and saw him glaring at Ryo-chan. "For fun? Yeah! Because he likes sweets. And.. yeah, you get the point! He he he." he chuckled nervously. I raised a brow at his act but quickly shrugged it off.

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