Chapter 25- Winter Cup

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Chapter 25- Winter Cup

I faced the mirror with the same height as mine. I'm wearing Rakuzan's uniform. But today's different. Today is not like any other. Today is not ordinary. Today.. Is the day when the true fight begins.

I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Golden brown eyes were staring back at me and they showed something. Something that says I will never give up this time.

I turned my back from the mirror and grabbed my things sitting on my bed. I went out of my room and searched for something. Something that says I'm involved. Something that says I'll be a part of the fight.

I saw it carefully sitting on the couch. A smile made its way to my face. Even the thing gives off the vibe that it's ready for whatever's coming.

I picked it up and wear it. I smiled, contented. Now, this jacket, with the label Manager made me feel something.. It made me feel even braver. This fight will determine something very important. After this battle, I just hope that everything will go back to how it was back then.

I headed out of my apartment. As I was walking through the empty hallway, I can only hear my steps. And they were getting louder and heavier every step I take.

As I step out of the building, the fresh air greeted me. I immediately smiled when I saw him with his hands inside his pockets. He's wearing those white pants that says he's a varsity player from Rakuzan's basketball team. And he's wearing that aura that says he's the most powerful one among the team.

He smiled at me tenderly and I can't help but to return it. There's something in his eyes that's familiar to me. And then I realized.. What I saw in his eyes was what I saw in mine just a few minutes ago.

His driver opened the door so I stepped in with him following short behind me.

We sat side by side, neither of us talking. It wasn't awkward. Instead, the silence was pleasant and we both know it would be better if we won't speak. We just had to be alone to think for awhile.



I smiled. Reo-nee hugged me and I wasn't able to breathe. But when Seijuro glared at him, he chuckled nervously and let me go.

"Gomen ne, Misa-chan. I just missed you."

"Don't mind him. He must've forgotten to take his meds this morning," Eikichi-senpai kidded making me laugh.

"Shut up."

We all walked inside the stadium. I heaved a deep breath. I feel nervous. This is the right time, I know. But is this the right thing to do?

Is it right to wish for your opponent to beat you?

Maybe. If that's for the best then.. Yes, it is.

I won't give up that easily. I will do my best but I'm hoping.. That Seirin will surpass me. Us. Seijuro. They will and they can.

Tetsu.. Please. Do what you think is right.

"Misaki." I stopped walking inside the locker room and turned to look at Seijuro.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Come with me."

I frowned. "The ceremony is about to start."

"I know. But we have to meet them. And they're waiting for us right now."

I froze. Can this day get any better? When I was in my apartment, I thought I was ready. I thought it will be fine. I thought I'm strong enough to face my fears but I was wrong. It's very sad to admit it but I was wrong. Very wrong.

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