Chapter 5 (Edited)

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Chapter 5- Mr. ABSolute

"Misa-chan! I'll be in your house tonight before dinner, ok?"

"Of course, Satsu! I'll wait for you. Ja ne!"

After hanging up the phone, I lay down my bed. I sighed.

Seijuro. He called last night. He knows my phone number. What should I do? I told myself that I won't let myself get near him again.

But why did he call me?

I picked up my phone and dialled Ryo-chan's number.

"Misacchi! Why did you call?" his very cheerful voice greeted me.

"Ryo-chan, are you busy today? I want to go to the mall but I'm all alone."

"We have our training today, Misacchi."

"Oh." I replied sadly.

"Hey, what if you come with me?" he offered trying to cheer me up.

"Is it fine for me to watch? I mean.. I'm Seirin's manager and all."

"Don't worry, Misacchi! All of them will understand. And please scold Kasamatsu-senpai for me."

"Yes, Ryo-chan. I will scold him even though he's older than me," I joked.

"Really?! You're the best, Misacchi!"

Ding dong

"Later, Ryo-chan. Someone's outside my house." after what I said, I hang up. I went down and opened the door and saw..

"Ryo-chan?! But I was just.."

"I'm planning on bringing you today at our practice." I smiled at him.

"Wait for me. I'll just change my clothes. Come in. I baked some cookies. They're at the kitchen!" I said while running at the stairs. I went to my room and changed into a white floral dress and a thin black belt. I wore black doll shoes and grabbed my phone and wallet before going out.

When I was in the living room, I saw Ryo-chan watching NBA while eating cookies.

I smiled. I really do have a handsome bestfriend.

"Yo, Ryo-chan, let's go?" I asked. He smiled at me. I'm always blinded by his smile.

time skip

"Kasamatsu-senpai! I have someone with me!" Ryo-chan yelled after opening their gymnasium's door. I love their school. It's pretty big.

"Who th----woah."

"Kasam---*whistles*" the guy who whistled came over to me and lend his hand.

"Hi! Call me Moriyama. What's your name?" he asked with a warm smile. I smiled back unconsciously.

"Momoi Misaki. But please call me Misaki." I was about to touch his hand but Ryo-chan held my wrist. I looked up at him and gave him a questioning look.

"He's a play boy, Misacchi, I gotta warn you." my eyes widened at him. He laughed at me.

"Kasamatsu-senpai! I'll j---"

"YOU'RE LATE! GO CHANGE INTO YOUR JERSEY, BAKA!" Kasamatsu-san yelled causing me and Ryo-chan to flinch. Ryo-chan burst into anime tears.

"See what I mean, Misacchi?" he asked then quickly went to the locker room. I quickly approached Kasamatsu-san who is currently drinking his water.

"Kasamatsu-kun," I called. He choked in his water. "Sorry!" I apologized.

"It's *cough cough* f-f*cough* fine." he assured me and drank his water again. Only this time, he was staring at me as if waiting for me to tell him something. I was hesitant at first but smiled. His eyes widened and again, he choked.

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