Chapter 3 (Edited)

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Chapter 3- Kise Ryota

After the bell rang, I quickly went to the gymnasium for the basketball practice. I didn't see anyone there. Not even Riko. I went to the locker room and there, I found them.

I was about to say something when Tetsu spoke.

"I'm nothing like the other five. Because they're true prodigies."

"Are you on drugs?" I asked, annoyed. They snapped their head towards me. I clicked my tongue. "Ryo-chan can't even copy your style. You're the sixth man, Tetsu. Stop underestimating yourself." I said with my furrowed brows. The door burst open and we saw Fukuda.

"The coach is back!" he screamed. "We're having a practice match!"

"Against who?" I asked.

"I have no idea. But she was skipping for some reason, though." Fukuda replied.

Hyuuga-senpai's face drained. "She's skipping?" he asked. His voice higher than usual. "Be careful everyone," he warned. Everyone in the room waited for his next statement. "If she's skipping, our next opponent's gonna be real tough."

Third Person's POV

What Misaki didn't know was her blonde bestfriend who is also a basketball player and a model is standing infront of their school.

"So this is Seirin?" He asked himself as he scan the school. "New and pristine, just like I expected." The blonde walked into the school, unaware of the girls who are staring and gossipping how hot he was.

Misaki's POV

"Gather around, everyone!" Riko ordered after Kagami dunked the ball even though Izuki senpai was guarding him.

They quickly lined up infront of Riko and me.

"I've managed to get us a practice match against Kaijo High next week!" she announced happily. What? I froze. Kaijo? This is getting too fast for me to handle. I heard them talking about it but I didn't care at the moment. I know I will encounter them again but this fast? I'm not yet ready.

I'm not ready and I'm going to see them play again.

The irritating sound of giggling fangirls rang through my ears bringing me back to reality.

"What. The. Hell. Who are those?" I asked. This is familiar. I've heard this kind of sound before. He's here?

"What are they doing here?" Riko asked. And I sighed when I saw a mop of blonde hair surrounded by girls. I knew it.

"I didn't mean for this to happen," he said sheepishly, while signing an autograph.

"It's been a while," Tetsu greeted.

"Long time no see!" Ryo-chan replied cheerfully. His gaze shift towards me and his eyes widened. "Misacchi? Is that you?" I smiled at him.

"Nice to see you too, Ryo-chan," I greeted making the rest of the team look at me.

"Wait. Uh.. Could you wait five minutes?" he asked. All of them sweatdropped. I just shook my head and looked at him. He hasn't changed. The only thing that changed about him was that his looks improved and his love for basketball.

Ryo-chan leaped down from where he was standing a while ago, landing softly and carefully on his feet, his hands in his pockets.

"What are you doing here?" Hyuuga-senpai asked.

Yeah, what's he doing here? He walked over to us.

"When I heard our opponent will be Seirin, I remembered that Kurokocchi and Misacchi went here so I came here to see them. And I haven't seen Misacchi for a while," he said as he gave me a bone-crushing hug. They all stared with wide eyes while Tetsu just smiled.

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