Chapter 15 (Edited)

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Chapter 15- His Question

"Hey, I thought we're going to eat?!" I whined as I pouted.

"Stop acting like a child. You just ate an hour ago and that was a full meal. Stand up. We're almost there." Akashi ordered me with his glare. I glared back.

"You've been telling me that since we left! And now you're expecting me to believe you now that we have already walked for almost an hour?!"

Akashi ignored me and continued walking through the thick threes.

"Hey, don't leave me here!" I yelled before running after him.

"Can you please shut up?!" he snapped.

"No, I can't!" I answered enthusiastically causing him to glare at me. I wanted to irritate him more so I sang on top of my lungs.

"THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIREEEE!! THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIRRRREEEE!! SHE'S WALKING ON FIIIIRRREEEE!! THIS GI---" Akashi cut me off by placing his face just a few inches from mine. My eyes widened and I brought my head back.

"Oi Ak--"

"The moment you open that mouth of yours will also be the moment you'll get what you want." my eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Who told you that I want you to kiss me?!" I yelled, slightly insulted.

"And who told you that me kissing you is what you want?" he answered cleverly with a mock innocence written on his face.

"Y-you.. Urgh! I hate you! Go by yourself! I'm going back!" I turned around from him and started walking. I heard him chuckle which made me roll my eyes.

"You're going towards the wrong way." he informed me. Of course! I know!

"I know, ok?! I'm just.. I was just.. Why do you care anyway?! I told you to go, didn't I?!" I snapped. He just laughed at me so I walked to the other side.

I felt his hand on my wrist and he pulled me to face him.

"WHAT NOW?!" I yelled. His brows shoot up as his eyes showed amusement. I grabbed my hand back.

"Go, ok?! Just go!" Yeah, go away because I'm embarrassed.

"I won't laugh at you anymore. Just come with me. Please?" he pleaded while his eyes are melting.


"Good." he said, cutting me off before dragging me.

After 20 minutes

"We're almos--"

"Yeah! Of course, we're almost there! You've been saying that a fe---" little by little, we came out of the thick trees and.. and outside, I saw a paradise. A wide land with flowers, with trees, with butterflies. It made my mouth hung open.

"Wow.." was the only word I could utter.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I turned my head to look at Akashi. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah. It.. is." I was still lost for words so I couldn't really speak properly.

"Come here." he dragged me towards the clearing and he let me sat on the grassy land. He sat infront of me while waiting for me to observe my surroundings.

This place is so positive. It's so.. bright. It's so beautiful. Gorgeous. This place is like a paradise. Wow. I.. I..

"It's really beautiful." I mumbled to myself.

"Yeah, it is." Akashi agreed while staring intently at me. I smiled at him.

"And what's the reason for you to drag me here?" he shrugged at my question. "Is it necessary to have a reason for every move I make?" he asked. I laughed lightly.

He laid down the grass and I followed.

"Misaki." he called. I 'hmmed' happily. "Do you already know your answer?" Confused, I sat up with my right arm supporting me and looked at him questioningly. What answer? "Your answer to my question."


"If I ever tell you I still love you, would you still love me back?"

"If I ever tell you I still love you, would you still love me back?"

"If I ever tell you I still love you, would you still love me back?"

"If I ever tell you I still love you, would you still love me back?"

His question that night continued to replay and echo in my mind.

I instantly froze. Is that the reason as to why he brought me here? I shouldn't have come. I can't answer him because I don't even know myself if I've come to love him again. Am I inlove with him now?

"Akashi.." he smiled at me and ruffled my hair as he sat up.

"It's ok. You don't need to rush yourself. I'll be waiting. Come on. We'll be leaving soon." he stood up so I followed him, still deep in my thoughts. I don't know how to solve this thing. I need someone to talk to right now. And I think I know who the right person is.

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