Chapter 27- What Are We?

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Chapter 27- What Are We?

I opened the gate slowly with my key, careful not to make any noise. Maybe all of them are sleeping now. The house is quiet so there's no way they're awake.

I walked through the path that led me to the double door of the house. It's big. But not as big as Seijuro's mansion.

I opened the door slowly and flinched when it made a little noise. When I opened it fully, I saw the huge stairs infront of me. I looked at my right. That's the kitchen and dining area. I look at my left and frowned. The living room. The lights are on. They forgot to switch it off. I sighed deeply. These guys.

I walk towards the living area to swith the lights off but stopped my tracks when I saw who was there. I mean.. I saw who were there.

"It's late," Kotaro-senpai said as he look at the wall clock before turning his head to look at me. I gulped when I saw him looking at me through narrowed eyes. He never looked at me that way.

"And you were wandering through the dark streets." I turned my head to see Eikichi-senpai sitting on a single chair, leaning on his back, his arms on the armrests. I bit my lip. He was giving me a look that sent shivers down my spine.

"And then what we saw outside the house didn't help either." I almost jumped when I felt a presence behind me. I was about to turn around but I noticed that he was already walking beside me before standing in the middle. Chihiro-senpai was glaring at me. They saw me with Dai-chan earlier, I guess.

"You're a lady. You're with a guy. In the middle of the night. Have you lost your mind?" I flinched when Reo-nee scolded at me like I'm a four year old child.

I let my eyes wander inside the room. And I've got goosebumps when I saw someone leaning on the wall. He was looking down, arms crossed same with his feet. I can't see his face but I can sense the aura he's radiating.


"You told me you would meet someone important. And that was Daiki."

He look up and I cringed when I saw anger and pain in his eyes. I know that earlier, he already knows I'm meeting Dai-chan but what he saw earlier outside didn't help, I guess. I took a step forward.


I didn't have the chance to talk to him again because he walked away and went upstairs. Oh, gosh.

I sat on the couch and burried my face in my hands. He got it wrong.

"Follow him," Reo-nee advised, placing a hand on my shoulder. I look at all of them and they were giving me disapproving looks.

"I.. I'm sorry.."

"Why was he with you, anyway?" Kotaro-senpai asked, making me bite my lip.

"Well.. he needed a friend. And I wanted to talk to him too."

They nodded, believing me. "What about the hugging part?" Eikichi-senpai inquired, raising a brow at me.

"He's hurt. And I needed to comfort him."

"By hugging?" Chihiro-senpai asked incredulously.

"I don't know how to. So I just hugged him."

Reo-nee sighed deeply. "Sei-chan was hurt, you know. When he saw it."

I closed my eyes. Tears were threatening to fall and I had to stop myself. Too much has happened today. It's all too much for me.

The game between Seirin and Tõõ. The talk I had with Alexa. The pain Dai-chan felt because he lost. And now, I hurted Seijuro. I feel weak.

I opened my eyes and the tears fell.

Reo-nee hugged me. "Rest for now. You can talk to him tomorrow if you want."

I nodded weakly before making my way to the stairs. I walked upstairs, careful not to fall.

I have to talk to Seijuro. He needs to understand.

I should try. I will try.

When I was infront of his door, I raised my hand to knock. But I didn't have the opportunity because it opened automatically and there, I saw Seijuro.

The next thing I knew, he grabbed my arm and pulled me inside his room. He slammed the door behind him before facing me.

I opened my mouth to speak but he hugged me all of a sudden making my heart go wild. I didn't feel this way when Dai-chan hugged me.

"No one. No one will hug you like this except for me. I want no one hugging you this way besides me."

He held me tighter. My tears fell as I wrap my arms around his torso.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.."

He caressed my hair and kissed the top of my head. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault."

"Still sorry."

He chuckled as he pulled away, flicking my forehead. "Too stubborn, hm?"

I know. I looked around the room and frowned when I saw my baggages here. I tilted my head to the side out of confusion.

"We have to share the same room," he says, answering my unspoken question. I look at him, shocked. "The house only has limited rooms. All of them was sharing rooms with each other. I can't let you share with the others now, can I? Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch."

My eyes widened. He'll sleep on the couch? The Akashi Seijuro will sleep on the couch?

"No way." I protested. He shot me a deadpan look. "Seijuro, you don't have to do that. The bed is a freaking king size bed. That wouldn't be necessary."

"Sleeping with you means crossing the boundaries," he points out. "Unless we're together."

I stiffened. Are we together? What are we, anyway? What's our label? He sighed.

"Do not overthink," he reminded.

"Sei, are we a couple?" I asked. I almost slap myself for asking that question. It just slipped out of my mouth.

"Are we?" he asks. Now, I wanted to smack him.

"Hey, I was serious, y'know."

He sighed. "I don't know if we are. How about you?"

I frowned as I look down. I'm confused. I shook my head lightly. "I don't know either," I admitted, looking up to meet his eyes.

He smiled. "Then let's make this official."

What? What does he mean? I don't get it.

He took a step towards me and held both of my hands. He kissed the both of them making me blush. Who knew that this man has this soft side in him?

"Momoi Misaki.. Will you be mine?" my heart went wild. It almost broke my ribcage. I look at his eyes. It was full of hope. It made my heart swell. He didn't ask me to be his girl. He asked me to be his.

What whould I say?

"Yes, Akashi Seijuro. I'll be yours as long as you promise to be mine."

He smile before leaning down to kiss me quickly.

He leaned his forehead with mine, our nose touching.

"I'm forever yours, Misaki."

I smiled.

This guy. I love him.

I just hope that things will go right. I don't want faith to play with us once again. I want fate to sit back and let us be happy this time. I don't want faith to interfere in our relationship this time.

This time, I want all of it to be fine. We deserve that, I think.. right?

His Broken Promise (Kuroko No Basuke Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora