Long time no see brother.

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Walking along the streets of Bristol.
How exciting. Not.
Apparently Jonathan was supposed to be picking me up at Starbucks. That was two hours ago, so now I'm roaming the streets, bored.
I tumbled to the ground and looked and saw a tall ginger fall opposite me.
"Shit, I'm sorry!" I said, getting to my feet and helping him up.
"It's OK, I wasn't looking as to where I was going," he shrugged it off.
"Still, I'm sorry," I said.
He's a far bit taller than me, and I'm pretty tall myself. He's kinda adorable - ROSE STOP IT!
"I'm Alex Smith, but my friends normally call me Smiffy," he introduced himself, holding out his hand, which I shook.
"I'm Rose Kogan," I said, also introducing myself.
"I know someone with the last name Kogan," he said, making me frown.
"He called Jonathan?" I asked, he nodded. "The prat," I muttered under my breath.
"What?" Alex asked.
"That's my brother," I said bluntly.
"You're Kogie's sister?" he asked, looking shocked, I nodded.
"He was supposed to pick me up; I'm supposed to live with him, I'm in the hotel at the moment, but the prat never showed up." I told Alex (or Smiffy), who rolled his eyes.
"Well, I could phone him and tell him you're with me?" he suggested, I contemplated this a little, but nodded.
He took out his phone and began to search his contacts, he soon found the correct number and held the phone to his ear.
"Yeah, Kogie? You never told us you had a sister ... yeah, she's here with me, says you didn't come to pick her up. We're in town." Alex spoke, winking at me, I rolled my eyes. "Where would you like him to pick you up?" Alex asked, moving the phone away from his mouth.
"Uh, dunno," I shrugged, instantly becoming shy.
This happens all the time, I don't know why, but it does. I really need to make it stop.
"Yeah, that'll do, see ya," Alex said and hung up on Jonathan. "He's gonna come and pick you up outside Greggs," Alex told me, I nodded.
"Where's that, then?" I asked, the shyness in my voice. He chuckled at it and smiled down at me.
"I'll show you," he said and dragged me in the correct direction.
Well, I never expected this to happen.
He soon stopped outside the correct shop and he talked about aimless stuff, which I listened to vaguely.
"ROSIE!" The all too familiar voice of my brother screamed, then I was engulfed in a massive hug, almost being choked.
"Get offa me, dumbass," I muttered. "Where the hell were you two hours ago?" I asked, getting a good look of him.
"I ... uh, forgot? Maybe?" he asked, I rolled my eyes.
"OK, idiot, forgiven," I muttered.
"Thanks, Smiffy," Jonathan said, looking at Alex.
"No problem, Kogie. I had time to waste. I'll see you around, Rose." he said, I nodded in agreement and he left us.
Well, long time no see, brother.

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