Hiding with Hannah

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Oh, no.
No, no, no, no!
I was having such a great time, vlogging with Beckii and Ross, helping behind the scenes ... pissing Sips off.
How did he know?
Maybe it was just a coincidence?
No. He knew.
He fucking knew I'd be there.
"Uh, Mini, you OK?" Ross' voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked up at him.
"Yeah," I said, my voice turning out a lot more scared than I intended.
"Bullshit. Tell," he demanded.
"I gotta go," I said and sprinted away, making sure the guy couldn't see me.
Karma hated me.
That may have been a bit too far ... eh.
I probably spent way too much time with the Hat Lads.
I managed to get back to the Yog room and I slammed it shut.
"Whoa, girl, what's wrong with you?" Sips asked, vaping slowly. He, Lewis and Hannah were the only ones in the room, currently.
"Uh, ex - don't like him, had to run," I panted, my hands on my knees as I got my breath back.
"Why didn't you just hide with Ross?" Hannah questioned.
"Are you -? You don't know him," I told her, breathing deeply, rephrasing my sentence.
"Why?" Sips asked, suddenly serious.
"Doesn't matter," I lied.
"Bullshit," Lewis said.
"He was quite controlling and was pissed when I left him," I admitted.
Did he know I was there?
How did he find out?
Was he coming to get me?
"Rosie, shh," Hannah said, embracing me in a hug. I noticed Lewis and Sips had gone, probably to give us privacy.
"He's gonna kill me," I whispered, blinking repeatedly, trying to hold back the tears.
"Not with me with you," Hannah told me. "Tell me everything," she said, sitting us down by the table.
So, I began to tell her about him. What he did. What he tried to do. What he called me. Why I ran. Why I'm scared.
"Hey, if you stay with me, or Kim, or one of the Hatters, hell, even Kaeyi and Martyn, they'll protect you; you're our Mini." Hannah told me soothingly and I smiled at her.
"Thanks," I said and she smiled at me.
He was still going to find me.
"It's what I'm here for," she said.
We left not long after and we went to the Yogs' panel-thing, where I stayed back, giving them all either posters, bags or shirts.
"Hey," Smith said when I handed him a poster to sign for a fan, which he signed and smiled at the fan.
"What?" I asked, shoving my hands in my hoodie.
"You OK?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow at him and he rolled his eyes. "Stupid question. But you look distant," he said honestly, turning around and looked at me.
"I just saw some asshole from a few years back," I shrugged. "I just don't feel like talking to them, or them knowing I'm here." I mumbled, looking around warily.
Oh, shit, I can see him.
"Uh," my voice faltered as he saw me. He grinned wickedly and winked.
"Kitty?" Smith asked.
"Um ..." I mumbled and gave him a terrified look. "I need to find Hannah," I said, somewhat numbly. I went over to Hannah and gave her a look. Her eyes widened and she sighed.
"Say near me," she told me. I nodded and ended up giving her the merch she needed.
Once it was over, we hurriedly left, trying to not catch anyone's attention.
"What're you doing?" Sparkles* asked, concerned.
"We need the little girls' room," Hannah lied, dragging me to the girls' bathroom.
"He saw me," I told her, visibly shaking.
"Oh, fuck," she sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Balls, what're we gonna do?" she asked, stumped.
"I dunno," I said. Our short conversation was cut off when Beckii entered the bathroom.
"Oh, hey," she greeted. "Uh, Rosie, some guy wants you. He's got dark hair and snake piercings. He said you'd know who it was when I described him," she said and whatever colour was in my face drained away faster than I could breathe.
"Shit," I whispered, my hands over my ears and scrunching my eyelids shut, my breathing rough.
"Rose, calm down," Hannah whispered, trying to pull my hands off of my ears.
"Trying," I whispered, biting my lip to hold back my fearful whimper.
Hannah pulled me into a hug and I noticed how much I was shaking.
This couldn't be happening.
"What's wrong?" Beckii asked worriedly. "Should I get Kogie? Leo? Maybe Smith?" she asked, knowing to keep her distance.
"No," I mumbled.
"OK," Beckii sighed.
"Beckii, do me a favour?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said.
"If that guy comes up to you again, get away from him no matter what," I said seriously.
"Yeah. Just ... who is the guy?" Beckii asked.
"Just a controlling ex who doesn't like that I'm not with him," I shrugged.
"Uh, OK," Beckii said, not sounding convinced.
"We're gonna give you a moment on your own," Hannah said. "Just so you can calm down," she added and I nodded. The two left and I felt the tears I'd been holding back spilling over.
"Shit," I hissed, wiping at my face.
I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket and breathed out deeply.


Oh, fuck.
How did he get my number?
I locked my phone and looked in the mirror.
Cleaning myself up, I sighed.
Such a mess.
I soon left and saw the girls.
"Hey," Hannah greeted. "Better?" she asked and I nodded.
After that, we began to look at all the different stalls, getting things we wanted, or things we thought others might like.
"Ooh," Beckii sighed, turning to go to a Japanese stall.
"No," I told her sternly, taking her hand and pulled her away.
"No, the Manga calls to me. I need the Manga and Chibis." she whined and I rolled my eyes.
"Well, maybe later. You and Sparkles* can fangirl together later," I said.
"Or we could fangirl now," the ginger bastard's voice exclaimed for behind us, making us jump.
"Yes!" Beckii grinned and dragged him over to the stall.
"Well, that didn't last long," Hannah sighed.
"No," I replied.
The two of us then walked around, looking at the different stalls.
There was an Xbox one, a PlayStation one and even a Pokémon one. I got some Pokémon cards for Hat Films, who may have been happy about it.
"Oh, dear, it's been years!" The deep voice from behind me said.
I felt the long finger grip my upper arm, causing me to squirm and look around at him.
"Long time no see." he grinned wickedly.
"Rosie?" Hannah asked, glaring at the man in front of us.
Zed Willows.
What an asshole.

(So short because it's late and I don't know how to fill chapters because I'm an idiot. Hey, an asshole made a reappearance ... sort of. Not much *insert Rosie+Smith's ship name here* because idk how to get them together -_-. Feel free to give ideas if you have any, help is always appreciated and special shout outs would be given ... if any of you wanted to give your input on this story. Stay sassy, shitlords!)

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