#NoReo ... Jonathan's Got Good Timing.

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I was ... I was kissing Leo.
No - I couldn't, the guy was a fucking brother to me!
Yet, there I was.
Why wasn't I doing anything about it?
Why was I thinking about how Smith will react to this?
Why did I even care what he would think to it?
Was I overreacting?
I could answer the last one - I wasn't overreacting enough!
So many questions.
I sighed a little and gently pushed Leo away, he whimpered a little from the absence of contact.
"Leo ..." I sighed, looking into his face. "I can't ... you know why," I said my shitty excuse and he nodded, moving away from me.
"I know. Just ... now you know why I don't want you to die." he said, then left the bathroom, leaving me alone.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
I sighed and put the first aid kit away, pushing down my sleeves.
I went back into my bedroom and just laid down on my bed, thinking things over.
Oh, God ... shitting fuck!
I liked Smith maybe a dat bit more than a friend - I thought. I was confused. Help!
Why would Leo do that? Oh, yeah, he's 'in love with me' I called serious bullshit on that.
He couldn't, he said himself, he swore he only saw me as a sister.
I couldn't stand lies and liars.
"Life's too complicated and overrated." I told myself.
Mind full with questions I didn't hear the guys come back. Well, I did when Jonathan burst into my room and began singing Giga Drill drunkenly.
Oh, fuck, it was just the start.
"Rosie," he slurred. "If you ever decide to fuck something - fuck a duck!" he told me, trying to sound serious. "Just so we can see what hatches!" he said. That brought a smile to my face, despite all the stupid shit that just went down.
"Jonny, you know I'd have to give birth to it, so you'd actually have to fuck a female duck to see what hatches, not me," I told him, ruffling his hair softly. Drunken realisation crept onto his face and he nodded.
"LEO! FIND ME A MOTHERFUCKING DUCK!" he shouted, then yawned and passed out.
Wow, he was a lightweight, he used to be able to put up with loads.
I thought it was an age thing.
Jonathan's an old bastard!
Haha, he suffered the age thing!
"Hey, sorry about that idiot," Sparkles* said, coming into the room and began to help me get him out of my room and into his own one.
"S'OK, you kinda get used to it," I told him, giving him a small smile.
I swear, I saw him blush, but didn't comment on it. He could've been a little tipsy, who knew.
"I'm tired," he mumbled, I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.
"C'mon," I sighed, leading him to his room. "I'll check up on you in a bit, OK?" I asked, he nodded and fell face first into the bed, groaning. I rolled my eyes and left the room, sending Parv to bed, and seeing Beckii sat on the sofa, looking tired as anything.
"Hey," I greeted, sitting beside her. She yawned and rest her head on my shoulder.
"Hey," she replied.
"So ... Leo kissed me, but I don't feel like that towards him and it's the Tom Bates scenario all over again," I said bluntly. She sat up, now wide awake.
"What?" she demanded, I retold her and she gaped at me. "Why? What brought it on?" she asked.
"I was attempting at making dinner but cut my arm by accident, I've no idea how I managed that feat but I did. He was cleaning my wound up and called me an idiot. Then we ended up kissing." I lied. Well, it was a lie, but kinda honest, to a point? I needed to shut up, before I actually said any of thatthis out loud ... that would need a big explanation I did not want to give.
"Wow," she muttered, taking the information in. "OK. So, Operation No Reo has started," she said.
What? Never mind, Beckii's strange like that.
"#NoReo," I joked, she rolled her eyes at me and smiled.
"Yeah," she muttered.
"So ... big question: how're we gonna do this?" I asked.
"Good question," she admitted, chuckling a little. "Well. I can talk to Leo in private, tell him he's made you feel uncomfortable and to not do that ever again." she said, I nodded. Although Leo might - no would - feel hurt she was telling him that and not me, hopefully he'd understand the predicament he had put me in.
He was like a brother, who had now made me thoroughly confused; his feelings towards me had confused my own, but my gut instincts told me he was in the brotherzone.
But - ever since he teased me and claimed he shipped Rolex/Riffy, that part was very confusing; if he felt like that ... why would he say he shipped something completely different? Dammit, Leo! Your emotions are confusing even you!
And I may or may not have understood my feelings towards Smith, but I knew they were not for friends or even best friends.
I hated emotions; they were overrated and a load of useless shit.
Who needed 'em?
Don't answer that.
We talked for another ten minutes, trying to find out what to say to Leo without killing his emotions.
Not long after, we decided to 'hit the hay' as Beckii called it. We changed and she went to bed, asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
No joke, and I had got plenty of 'em!
As I promised, I checked in on Sparkles*, who was sat up, on his laptop. He looked up and smiled at me.
"You OK?" I asked, he nodded.
"Come in, I don't bite," he joked, I smiled faintly and shut the door behind me and sat on his bed next to him, looking at what he was watching.
Anime, of course.
Considering he was a bit tipsy, he'd sobered up quickly.
He wrapped his arm around me and I felt the warmth of his body radiating from him.
"Poke," I said, poking his belly.
"Poke," he replied, poking my side.
"I'm poking you like I would on Facebook," I said, which made him breathe out a laugh. "Poke, poke, poke," I said repeatedly.
"Wanna Instagram that?" Sparkles* asked, I nodded after a moment of contemplation. He got his phone out and turned to the camera to take a selfie. I poked his cheek, smiling a little, while he was going to poke me with his hand, poking his tongue out, he quickly took the picture.
He fucking licked my finger.
Gingers ... what were you gonna do with them?
I didn't know ... make them your salve? Sell them to the fangirls? Kill them? Well, not the latter, but maybe one of the first two.
I claimed Sparkles* as my slave.
Yes, I did a Walking Dead season four reference, zombie points to those who got it!
He put the caption 'Poke them like you do on Facebook' and tagged me in it.
"'#shipped' someone said," he muttered, showing me the comment.
"Holy shit, 'poke him like you would in bed', fuck," I said, laughing a bit breathily.
"'Poke him like you would on a night in'," he read, I smiled and hid my face in his neck, laughing quietly.
"Some guy says: 'doesn't it look like Sparks* is gonna poke her with his tongue? #getsomesparks'," he said and I let out a cry of laughter, which came out muffled in his neck, he chuckled as well, rubbing my side.
"If you want some, you've gotta wait four months," I joked, which made him choke on his own spit.
"I can't believe you just said that," he muttered.
"I thought you'd get used to me being a dumbass," I said, still poking him.
"Your ass is smart," he said, then realised what he said. "You get what I mean," he added, I gave him a look, but nodded.
"Yeah," I said, sounding unconvinced.
We continued to watch the anime, until he took my cheeks and pinched it, shaking them like you do when you want to make that stupid sound you get when get both of your cheeks and move them.
We looked at each other for a moment before curling up into each other, laughing silently.
"Twat," I muttered, then took his cheeks and did the same, he giggled and hid his face in my neck.
We slowly stopped laughing and looked at each other's eyes. Green looking into blue.
I noticed how one of his irises was slightly darker than the other, the black outline part anyway.
"You've got beautiful eyes," he whispered, I blushed, and looked away slightly, before looking back up at his.
"Can say the same about yours," I said, he laughed quietly, lowering his head a little before looking back up.
We both seemed to lean in at the same time, looking at each other to see if it was OK.
"GAAH!" We both jumped when we heard Jonathan yell out in his sleep.
Did that really almost happen?
"Sorry," I said.
"Don't be. I don't know what I was doing," he muttered.
"Let's blame it on the drink?" I asked, he nodded and pulled me into a side hug.
The last thought on my mind was that I felt as safe in Sparkles*' arms like I was in Smith's.
I smiled a little and when I opened my eyes, I saw Sparkles* asleep beside me, the laptop was turned off, his phone bleeped and I saw that it was only six o'clock.
I sighed a little and buried my head into his shoulder, his arms wrapped around me and I relaxed.
Wait ...
Oh, shit -
Was I getting a crush on Sparkles*?
But ... didn't I kinda like Smith?
"Wake up, Rosie," I heard Sparkles* whispered.
I mumbled something incoherent and he chuckled, then poked my face.
"Not only will I poke you like I would on Facebook, but I'll also let Kogie see us ... in bed ... together," I shot up at that and bashed my head in with his.
Thing is ... we kinda kissed at the same time.
I pulled away and saw he looked shocked as well.
For some reason, I liked it.
Looked like he did too.
"Uh," he stuttered, I smiled and kissed his cheek.
He rest his forehead against mine, putting one of his hands on mine and his other on my shoulder.
GAAH, emotions are like 'fuck you, Rosie; at the moment, you really like this fit guy!' stupid bi-polar emotions.
He pressed his lips against mine and I actually returned his kiss, putting my hands in his hair as he moved closer to me.
Fucking emotions.
I really liked Sparkles* ... but, I really like Smith.
We pulled away from each other and I looked down, well, to the side, if I looked down, I'd be looking at his crotch and ... that would be awkward!
I looked back up at him and he smiled an adorable smile. Then we kissed again.
"TOM CLARKE, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Jonathan screamed, we pulled away from each other in shock.
Fuck balls!
Could my life get any worse?

» I'm evil ... now I've got to figure out how to explain all of this mess «

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