Feeling Faint

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(Possibly offensive stuff ahead - Cards Against Humanity stuff)

It had been a week or so, and Hat Films, Kim and Hannah were coming back tomorrow, I thought.
Smith and I have been Skyping a lot and he's been telling me what's been happening in the US and what's happening with E3.
Talking of Skyping Smith, I was supposed to do so in a minute.
I checked my emails, as I hadn't done so since I'd gotten there. Holy shit, three hundred and one emails.
I sifted through them and found one that made my heart stop.
Oh shit, I was supposed to send in that story. Whelp, GG. I would finish it later and send it to them, telling them I forgot about it and hope they'd still accept it.
I sighed and kept that one and went through shitty ones for car insurance and things like gigs at places I didn't know existed and things from Amazon. The usual.
I was interrupted by a Skype call.
'Hey, Kitty,' Smith greeted.
"Hi, Smith. How's packing?" I asked, noticing behind him was a load of suitcases half packed.
'Uh, OK. Trott and Ross keep getting side tracked,' Smith told me. I rolled my eyes and saw Trott jump into view waving like a lunatic.
"Yeah, I can tell. Hi Trott," I said, waving to the weird man, who was now cleanly shaved. "The fuck happened to the weird ass bush on your face?" I asked him, frowning at his clean face.
'I had it shaved for the YogsQuest thing.' he told me.
"I don't like it. Glue it back on!" I demanded. They both laughed at me, rolling their eyes. "I swear if you shave your beard off, Smith, I'll legit glue it back on for you," I told him sternly.
'OK. I won't shave it off,' he said.
"And grow out your hair!" I added.
'Why?' Trott asked.
"Because he'd look more adorable," I said, grinning.
'Riffy,' I heard Trott cough.
"Troffy," I retorted.
'Fuck you,' Trott said.
"Ain't you supposed to do that to Katie?" I replied coolly. Smith choked on his own spit and started laughing like a maniac.
'Fuck, Kitty,' Smith chuckled.
"Nah, don't," I said. They both rolled their eyes.
'Fuck off, Trott, I've finished packing, go finish yours,' Smith said, shoving Trott to the suitcases. Best thing was: Trott lost control and fell into the suitcase and because he was short enough he fit in it. 'Wait,' Smith said and jumped up and before Trott could do anything, Smith had slammed shut the suitcase.
"Um ... OK. That looks like fun," I said as Smith came and sat back down in front of the laptop.
'Yeah,' Smith sighed, glancing back at the suitcase, which Trott was slowly lifting off of him.
"ROSIE, I AWAIT FOOD!" the rather abrupt demand from Jonathan told me he was home.
"Sorry, Smith, but I've gotta go," I said, giving him an apologetic smile.
'It's OK, Kitty. I'll see you some time tomorrow.' Smith said.
"ROSIE, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Jonathan screamed.
"HOLD YA FUCKING HORSES I'M CHUFFING BUSY!" I returned, turning my head to the door. "See ya, Smith," I said, waving. I ended the Skype call and shut my laptop, groaning.
"ROSIE!" Jonathan shouted.
"FUCKING HELL, I'M COMING JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE!" I hollered, rolling my eyes.
I got up and walked to the door, I went to pull it open, then saw the bandages on my arms. I sighed, turned around and got a long sleeved pyjama top and changed. I also had some shorts on because it was quite warm.
"What?" I asked Jonathan as I saw him in the kitchen.
"I'm hungry," he pouted.
"Dude, get some food then; I'm not your mum or your slave," I told him.
"Please," he begged.
"OK," I said brightly. I turned around and went into the kitchen.
"Um, yeah, I'll just leave you to it," Jonathan said, backing away from me. I was evil.
I got every single cereal brand and mixed them all in a bowl. Yes, we have clean bowls. I tasted it and let me tell you, it was disgusting. I added salt, vinegar, baking chocolate and Marmite. Jonathan was gonna kill me.
Walking back out, I handed him the bowl.
"Um," he sounded unsure.
"Fucking eat it," I said sweetly. He took the spoon out and ate an entire spoonful.
"Oh, fuck, no," he gagged, then ran to the sink, where he spat the stuff out. "Holy shit, what the fuck was in that?" he asked, coughing.
"All the cereal, Marmite, backing chocolate, salt and vinegar." I admitted.
"Honey, I'm home!" Leo called.
"Oh, Leo!" Jonathan called kindly. I shoved my sleeve into my mouth and held back my mad laughter.
Leo came in, wearing his Deviluse stuff.
"What?" Leo asked, taking off his snapback, placing it on my head.
"Why don't you try this?" Jonathan asked, holding out the bowl of shit out to him. "It's delicious," he added, giving Leo his infamous grin.
"Uh, OK," he said, taking the spoon and trying some. His face turned to disgust and he stuck his tongue out, letting the disgusting food fall to the ground. "OK, I'm never eating anything you give me ever again," he said firmly. I grinned behind him, Jonathan rolled his eyes.
I think I was glad they were going on the San Tour soon.

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